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上一篇:澳洲新創公司純素有機嬰兒配方食品需求    下一篇:印度鞋類公司推出純素產品系列
主題:紐西蘭年度純素香腸比賽 含原文總篇數 1
原       文
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2022/08/05 22:28:59
文章編號:235539   推文人氣指標: (0)







“Flesh free from the three objections – not prepared, unasked, unsolicited – does not exist. Therefore one should not eat flesh.” ~

Arya Shantideva (vegetarian) ~ Arya Shantideva (vegetarian)





Inflation skyrocketing globally.

The cost of goods in the United States and the United Kingdom are rising at the

highest rate in four decades. Owing to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, energy and food prices are soaring, with accelerating costs in these critical sectors posing hardship for wide segments of the respective populations. In the UK, the Office for

National Statistics revealed that prices in that country had increased by 9.1%

between May 2021 and 2022. In the US, the inflation rate was at 8.6% for the

same period; in Korea, it was 5.4%, which was the highest Seoul has seen in 14

years. In Latin America and Africa, some of the biggest economies have recorded

double-digit inflation. Our prayers are for global economies to stabilize quickly

so that people can thrive again. May the war in Ukraine end soon and humanity

rapidly embrace the loving spiritual principles of the vegan diet that ensure plenty

of food and resources for all, in the light of the Providence.

Vegan: no better choice.









Scientists find universal masking leads to reduced respiratory illnesses and

antibiotic use.

Researchers at the University of Hong Kong studied a decade’s worth of data on

antibiotic supply, respiratory diseases, and patients’ blood samples in Hong Kong.

Their analysis showed that during the pandemic in 2020-2021, the incidence of

respiratory illnesses such as scarlet fever, tuberculosis and chickenpox in Hong

Kong citizens was significantly reduced. The scientists drew a positive correlation

between non-drug-related interventions such as mask-wearing, good hand

hygiene, and   social distancing and the reduced numbers of respiratory infections as well as the antibiotic consumption used to treat them.

Therefore the scientists urge Hong Kong residents to persist  in such measures,

particularly universal masking, with or without a  pandemic. Thank you,

University of Hong Kong researchers,

for informing  the public of these important findings. May all beings be forever

embraced in Buddha’s radiant love, as we pray for the world to rapidly

adopt  compassionate lifestyles to truly rid ourselves of all zoonotic diseases.












Meat-free sausage contest in New Zealand sees large number of competitors.

The annual Vegan Sausage Awards, held in Auckland, saw over 40 different

meatless sausages competing for the title of best sausage. The number of entries

is a testament to the increasing demand for high-quality plant-based products.

This year’s winner was Plan*t Sage and Onion, which one of the judges,

Mike McRoberts, a vegan news anchor, noted, “had an edge, a level of

sophistication. It can be eaten in many different ways…” Plan*t has transformed

a no longer used cheese factory to be its new plant-based facility. Chris Kinnel,

owner of the vegan restaurant “The Butcher’s Son” who hosted the contest,

commented on the improvement of the quality and variety of products at the event. We are so elated to see the growth of veganism in idyllic New Zealand. In Celestial benediction, may the planet-saving lifestyle quickly become the norm.

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