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上一篇:素食連署,只要滿100萬人、就訂這天為世界素食日、現在已經5    下一篇:10月法國巴黎 素食展
主題:香港素食嘉年華 Hong Kong Vegfest 含原文總篇數 1
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作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2016/10/06 3:53:05
文章編號:231517   推文人氣指標: (0)

我們多謝香港 素友慈悲分享:)
希望後學恆定每日半夜   清晨禱告後    四點上網
沒有將日期寫錯        因為原先看到得是去年的 年份

分享了素博士講堂 Dr. Karunas' Vegan Class相片



香港素食嘉年華 Hong Kong Vegfest


素食生活為我們帶來無窮好處,素食也成為潮流,席捲全球。跨進新時代,去年舉辦的首屆素食嘉年華活動各界支持,出席人數眾多,為作為主辦者的各個素食團體帶來很大的鼓舞,全城期待第三屆嘉年華將於2016年10月21日上午10時至下午5時舉行。 素食嘉年華舉行地點位於清水灣道1111號三育書院。 香港素食嘉年華籌委會由全香港多個主要素食團體合作籌劃,共同向全港市民推動素食生活,響應環保、低碳飲食文化。同時,國外多個團體也將受邀參與,藉此成立一個世界性的VEGFEST平台,互相交流各國素食資訊。 嘉年華活動預計將囊括多個非牟利與環保團體的展覽攤位,包括健康生活、人道與生態教育資訊展覽、各國食品與寵物食品、生機飲食學院與餐廳素食等;另外,更包括著名素食人士及專業中西醫演講,健康測試檢查;素食烹飪示範與工作坊;兒童遊戲活動,現場音樂與歌手表演等精彩活動。歡迎關注自身健康、地球環境、以及環境生態平衡的人士免費入場。 素食生活為我們帶來無窮好處,素食也成為潮流,席捲全球。跨進新時代,去年舉辦的首屆素食嘉年華活動各界支持,出席人數眾多,為作為主辦者的各個素食團體帶來很大的鼓舞,全城期待第三屆嘉年華將於2016年10月21日上午10時至下午5時舉行。





The festival will include exhibits from healthy living and eco-friendly entities, non-profits organizations, speakers and presentations, fun and games for kids, vegan pet food, vegan food and healthcare products, raw vegan culinary institute, restaurant booths; environmental and humane education, movies screening, live music and entertainment.

Hong Kong Vegfest welcomes all who want to learn more about protecting our health, the planet, and its inhabitants. You can promote your business or group to thousands of people who want to learn more about veganism and the many products and services that support a veg-friendly and eco-friendly way of life.


No meat and greet: Hong Kong vegetarian and vegan society bringing people together ... and even omnivores are welcome
A meat-free diet, countryside outings, maybe even a little romance ... A social group promoting vegetarian and vegan lifestyles has more than just food on the menu
PUBLISHED : Saturday, 01 October, 2016, 2:02pm


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From left: KEC Breast Centre Clinical Director & Consultant Surgeon Dr Sharon Wong Wing-waiDr Chan, breast cancer survivor Emily Ng, and nurse Wong Kwai-ying at the United Christian Hospital in Kwun Tong with the bra which Ng has designed. 30SEP16 SCMP/ Photo: Edward Wong
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Vegans Stevie Go and Carrie Chan will probably never eat meat again, but that doesn’t mean they will force others to do the same.
The couple, who met on dating app Tinder just under two years ago, are two of the main organisers of Meat Free Hong Kong, a society promoting the benefits of vegetarian and vegan diets.
The group meets every week at one of the city’s 200 vegetarian restaurants, but those who come along do not have to live completely meat-free lifestyles.
Go, a 50-year-old retired information technology specialist from Scotland, said he hoped the group would help spark an interest in vegan and vegetarian food among Hongkongers.
Jockey Club and green groups encourage vegetarian cooking in meat-eating Hong Kong

“It is a vegan food group, not a vegan group,” he said. “I would speculate that 50 per cent of people are on an omnivore diet. Everyone is welcome. We try to make it a social evening. What people speak about is up to them. If people want to talk about veganism and vegetarianism then they can. But I’ve decided I’m not going to give people a hard time.”
The strategy seems to be working. Meat Free Hong Kong recently held its 400th gathering, and has accumulated more than 4,000 members since being established in 2009.
Members of Meat Free Hong Kong enjoy a vegetarian meal in Central. Photos: David Wong
It can even boast being a venue for romance; at least one couple who met at the group have gone on to get married. Go said they had even received a request to organise a singles’ night but had declined.
“If people hit it off then that is that, but I am not going to get involved,” he said.
Understandably, the society instead tends to focus on visiting restaurants, but sometimes they incorporate a hike, a barbecue or cooking classes into the events.
The group’s attendees have ranged in age from babies to 70 year olds, but most are professionals in their 30s and 40s. Some members are long-time advocates of veganism and vegetarianism. Go has been vegetarian for 26 years and vegan for 16 of those. But others, like Chan, adopted the lifestyle later in life.
Healthy vegan and vegetarian fare: how Hong Kong restaurants are going back to basics

The 41-year-old project manager and Hong Kong native began cooking vegetarian food in 2012 when she moved out of her parents’ home into a studio apartment.
She found the smell left in her home after cooking meat was overbearing, so she switched to just preparing vegetables.
Members of Meat Free Hong Kong enjoy a vegetarian meal in Central. Photos: David Wong
Eventually, after learning more about veganism through her own research and meeting members of Meat Free Hong Kong, she decided to pursue a vegan lifestyle.
She said the transition had been relatively easy and had improved her overall health.
“My stomach felt better,” she said. “So I started eating vegan food in restaurants, too.”
Chan said she also began thinking about the wider effects of her omnivore diet on the world.
“When I was young, I remember Oxfam coming to talk to us at school and talking about the future problems with the world,” she said. “I started thinking about the environmental implications.”
But it was her parents and co-workers who were somewhat shocked at her conversion.
“They were surprised,” she said. “They thought there must be religious reasons, because in Hong Kong veganism is generally associated with religion, such as Taoism and Buddhism. Another colleague understood that it could be good for your health.”
Some group members, including Go, endeavour to adopt vegan practices in all areas of their lives, such as with the clothes they wear. “In the age of the internet, you research it and you can do it,” he said.
Macau embraces vegetarian trend with new restaurants

For others, food is paramount. Navigating the vegetarian scene in Hong Kong however, can be difficult at times, as Cantonese cuisine in particular is traditionally meat-heavy.
Vegetarians, especially vegans, also note how it can be awkward to explain how far-reaching their diet is. Go suggests using the Vegan passport app, which allows users to show a statement to restaurant staff in any language explaining that they cannot eat meat or animal products.
“I think people are generally okay about it,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Happy Cow app, which collates a database of vegan and vegetarian restaurants all over the world, has proved useful when searching for a venue for a gathering.
There are currently about 200 vegetarian restaurants in Hong Kong, fewer than 20 of which are vegan, catering for an estimated 200,000 vegetarians in the city – between 2 and 3 per cent of the population. Go said he considered vegetarianism to be steadily growing in Hong Kong as people become more aware of different cuisines as well as the impact their diet has on the environment.
“Some people are saying it is the fastest growing social network,” he said. “Our society is very positive, constructive and friendly. We get a lot of good feedback. I want to portray a positive image of vegetarianism and veganism and help people connect with others who have a strong interest in food.”
Chan agreed that the city’s meat-free movement was gaining momentum.
“I do see a need for this kind of group,” she said. “People are becoming more aware of what they are eating.”
Some of Meat Free Hong Kong’s favourite restaurants:
Higher-end place with much of the food coming from their organic farm. Managed under Buddhist philosophy. Menus include fabulous dim sum and sensational hotpot. Listed by The Daily Meal at 18 in their 2015 list of the world’s best vegetarian restaurants.
3/F Coda Plaza, 51 Garden Road, Mid-Levels
From Admiralty (Tamar Street) Bus Terminus (MTR exit B), take bus 12A towards MacDonnell Road or take a cab for HK$25.
Tel: +852 2525 0552


Loving Hut Wanchai

10月1日 21:58 · 

南華早報報導無肉社交聚會提及愛家!讚!South China Morning Post report Meet Free Hong Kong and mentioned Loving Hut Wanchai! Bravo!



Samuel L. Jackson Appears in New Vegan Documentary

By Anna Starostinetskaya | ?? 4, 2016

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Eating You Alive also stars James Cameron, magician Penn Jillette, and a host of medical professionals advocating for optimal health by way of a plant-based diet.

Pulp Fiction star Samuel L. Jackson poses the question, “C’mon, what’s on your plate?” in the new vegan documentary, Eating You Alive. Produced by global entertainment company Garden Fresh Media, the film explores the dietary causes behind illnesses such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes, uncovers how the animal agriculture industry has promoted disease-causing foods, and offers a solution with a whole foods, vegan diet. The trailer to the documentary opens with the powerful statement, “People aren’t living longer; they’re dying longer,” before delving into how consuming animal products has led to widespread illness. In addition to actors, vegan advocates, and athletes, the film features various healthcare professionals who admit that nutrition training is largely absent from medical school curriculums. A similar film entitled What the Health produced by Kip Andersen and Keenan Kuhn—the duo behind acclaimed documentary Cowspiracy—is currently in post-production. The topic of plant-based nutrition as medicine is not only trending on the screen, but is now extending to conversations within the medical industry—with a record number of doctors attending educational conferences on the topic this year. Eating You Alive is holding screenings in select cities around the country with a planned theatrical release in the United States and abroad in the near future.


美國總統歐巴馬(Barack Obama)與好萊塢巨星李奧納多狄卡皮歐(Leonardo DiCaprio)周一在白宮的一項活動中同台,共同敦促各界對抗氣候變遷。白宮周一舉行「南草坪之南」(South by South Lawn)科技與音樂節。歐巴馬與李奧納多及氣候科學家海霍(Katharine Hayhoe)同台時表示,全球為對抗氣候變遷,要「與時間賽跑」。他認為目前全球對抗暖化,若要打成績仍在「未作答完成」階段,但「好消息是我們仍可能通過測驗」。李奧納多近日完成關於氣候變遷的紀錄片《洪水來臨前》(暫譯,Before the Flood),在「南草坪之南」活動中首映。支持民主黨總統候選人希拉蕊的他表示,是刻意選擇在總統大選前發表這部紀錄片。李奧納多強調,科學界已對氣候變遷的危急程度達成共識,「爭論已結束」,「如果你不相信有氣候變遷,你就是不相信事實,或不相信科學。在我看來,你就不應該當總統。」共和黨總統候選人川普曾多次表示,氣候變遷是一場騙局。 (李寧怡/綜合外電報導)



歐巴馬與氣候科學家海霍、好萊塢明星李奧納多狄卡皮歐同台。 美聯社

歐巴馬與好萊塢明星李奧納多狄卡皮歐一同出場。 美聯社 2016/10/04 

臉書亞洲區  共同管理員版主 (敬邀) 

Leon Lai
願你今夜別離去- 黎明《Random Love Songs 4D in Live 2016》演唱

作曲:Matsumoto Toshiaki/Akimoto Yasushi

但願在午夜陶醉 世界變恬靜湖水
過去那往事在飄遠去 兩眼合上 矇矓的淚
但願是冷漠憔悴 看透了世事玄虛
遠處那燦爛美景卻要繼續追 多少個夢已累
多少次再失去 是你伴我渡過了最空虛
願你今夜別離去 在我依稀的愛裡
那一刻美麗是錯對 不管有沒有允許
願你今夜別離去 但你匆匆的告退
那披星戴月前塵裡 為了伴著誰


(Leon Lai) - 深秋的黎明



月色變的黯然 在深秋的黎明
離別最後的季節 是風裡透著涼意

夜霧慢慢散去 在深秋的黎明
我愛你就像呼吸 感覺平淡無奇


Repeat ☆

冷雨輕輕飄落 在深秋的黎明
紅葉像烈火燃燒 比不過我的心

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