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上一篇:美屠宰場有如地獄 豬隻活生生被放血。屠宰場豬隻被放血時仍有意    下一篇:僑報:紐約衛局為健康 勸華人停吃蟹黃
主題:Death Metal吉他手拯救生命,捐出他的農場不殺生的動 含原文總篇數 1
原       文
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2015/10/27 10:43:13
文章編號:230231   推文人氣指標: (0)

恆定短評~~照幾道慈悲光,給這個靈魂  阿彌陀佛Superb awesome! 
Death Metal吉他手拯救生命,捐出他的農場從事不殺生的動物救援


分享給  動物救助和康復機構。 捐出財產的催化劑? 
他真 正關心所有的動物。未來的計劃將繼續其使命是幫助所有的生物大和小。 

體貼人, 也 誰深深了解我們的星球上的居民。 傑里米·瓦格納是一個最好的例子
一個人在乎無助弱小的小動物,  遠遠超越了自己。 
Death Metal Guitarist Donates Entire Farm to Save Animals
 June 10, 2015 
Frazer Harrison/Getty ImagesAccording to examiner.com, guitarist Jeremy 
Wagner of heavy metal band Broken Hope has donated his entire rural Illinois
farm to an animal rescue rehabilitation organization.He posted the following
message on his facebook fan page:“Today I made the biggest donation of my
life. I signed off and gave away my entire farm to the animal rehab/rescue
group I’ve been working with since I purchased the property last summer.
I’m too busy to manage and enjoy the place, but it does my heart & soul 
good knowing I have given a refuge and paradise for many animals that 
will be given help and love and new homes for many years to come. My 
generosity and goodwill for the benefit of animals will never stop. Giving
my farm away for free wasa super-huge sacrifice, but it was an awesome 
one, and it won’t be the last time I do it. In this life, money doesn’t mean 
s**t if you don’t do good with it. So I do as much good as I can before 
I leave this rock. Cheers!”Jeremy rocks! This guy is a good dude in our 
book. For more on Jeremy’s story, check out examiner.com

Read More: Death Metal Guitarist Donates Entire Farm to Save Animals 


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上一篇:美屠宰場有如地獄 豬隻活生生被放血。屠宰場豬隻被放血時仍有意    下一篇:僑報:紐約衛局為健康 勸華人停吃蟹黃

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