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上一篇:苗栗縣午餐全素?原是無肉日    下一篇:要求非基改食材列入台北市校園午餐採購規範
主題:新加坡 Mr Lee Kuan Yew同意周一無肉日^_^ 含原文總篇數 1
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作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2015/03/23 22:03:47
文章編號:229375   推文人氣指標: (1)

新加坡 Mr Lee Kuan Yew同意周一無肉日^_^ 

"I'm all for it!" - Mr Lee Kuan Yew readily endorses the Veggie Thursday
 initiative in a dialogue session held at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public
 Policy on 14 Sep 2011. Veggie Thursday is an initiative which promotes 
going meat-free in Singapore once a week. It is easy to set aside every 
Thursday for going veggie, whether it is for your health, for the environment, 
or for kindness to animals. For more information, tips, and resources, log on
Vegetarian Society (Singapore) pays tribute to the passing of a great leader. 
Your exceptional achievements and wisdom live on.

May you rest in peace, Sir.


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做個素食英雄吧Singapore’s Founding Father, Dies at 91新加坡前總理李光耀逝世享壽91歲/新加坡建國總理李光耀先生逝世,總理李顯龍悲痛中感謝李光耀為國家做出的貢獻,各國領袖也紛紛表示深切哀悼。願他的靈魂安息在天上2015/03/23 22:08:24
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