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主題:溫哥華素食餐廳資訊 含原文總篇數 1
原       文
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2014/09/21 6:41:17
文章編號:228297   推文人氣指標: (0)

Richmond  列治文
Spicy Vegetarian Cuisine 禪悅齋 (全素) 
#132-4200 No.3 Rd, Richmond BC, V6X 2C2, Tel: 604-304-3538 
Hours: 11am-3pm, 5pm-9:30pm, Wednesday Closed
素有緣Purity Vegetarian Restaurant
#1111-3779 Sexsmith Road, Richmond, 604-276 8328
4 Stones Vegetarian Restaurant 雅室友(全素)
#160-7771 Westminster Hwy, Richmond 
Tel: 604-278-0852  Tuesday to Sunday 11:00am~9:30pm
Monday closed
Bo Lin Vegetarian Foods 寶蓮素食(全素)
#1385 Parker Place Mall (Food Court) Tel: 604-273-8110 
 Bo Kong Vegetarian Restaurant 寶光 (全素)
80-8100 Ackroyd Road, Richmond
Tel: 604-278-1992
Happy Veggie World 歡喜素食(素 葷分開)
Food Court, President’s Plaza  (T&T 樓上)
Cambie and #3 Rd, 604-783-4878
Vancouver 溫哥華市
 Whole Vegetarian Restaurant 清心素食
3068 Main Street, Vancouver  Tel: 604-876-8899
Monday to Thursday  11am~9pm
Friday to Sunday 11am~9:30pm
The Foundation
2301 Main Street, Vancouver Tel: 604-708-0881
The Naam Restaurant
2724 W 4th Ave, Vancouver Tel: 604-738-7151
Panz Veggie
1355 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1W7
open seven days a week from 11am~9pm   Tel: 604-266-3637
Loving Hut Restaurant 
546 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1E9
Tuesday to Saturday  11am~2pm  5pm~9pm    Sunday 5pm~9pm
Tel: 604-569-3196    http://vancouver.lovinghut.ca/ 
Bodhi Choi Heing Vegetarian Restaurant 菩提菜香素食
3932 Fraser St. (夾 23 Ave), Vancouver, BC, V5V 4E4
Tuesday closed except 1st and 15th day of each lunar month 
Wednesday to Monday open hours: 11am~9pm    but 3pm~5pm closed
Tel: 604-873-3848 
Burnaby 本拿比
Paradise Vegetarian Noodle House 越南素食 (全素)
8681-10th Ave (Crest Shopping Centre), Tel: 604-527-8138
LuLu Veggie (全素,)
#2127-4500 Kingsway (in Crystal Mall Food court麗晶美食廣場二樓), Burnaby, Tel: 778-371-4867

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