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上一篇:素食醫生的飲食革命 改善健保    下一篇:素食主義者珍妮佛·羅培茲Jennifer Lopez
主題:阿美族與詹姆斯·卡梅隆:去素食環保救地球 含原文總篇數 1
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作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2014/09/14 4:25:06
文章編號:228254   推文人氣指標: (0)

由 約翰·埃德蒙遜 - 2014年9月11日
發表在: 名人專訪 , 素食歷史
詹姆斯 - 卡梅隆,素食主義者
詹姆斯·法蘭西斯·卡麥隆(James Francis Cameron,1954年8月16日-)是一位加拿大電影導演,擅長拍攝動作片以及科幻電影。
詹姆斯·卡梅隆 -上切換到素食生活。
“I felt like I was waking up from a long sleepwalk.
I believe we are all sleepwalking off a cliff if we don’t do this.” 
James Cameron – on switching to Vegan Living.
James and Suzy Amis Cameron want Americans to adopt a vegan diet.
They say it is vital for the future of the planet.
James Cameron – ….also went public and lashed out in a recent interview with National Geographic saying that environmentalists who are not vegan are not upholding their values - full article here.
Today, the Camerons grow about 90 percent of the food they eat on the 100-acre coastal farm. They have an abundance of over 150 types of fruit and vegetables on the property, including arugula, Brussels sprouts, beets, carrots, lettuce, figs, peaches, plums, pomegranates and citron.
Amis Cameron – talking about their organic garden & Paul Hudak – full article here with many photos.
Amis Cameron said she has gone to great lengths to compost without horse, cow or chicken manure. The compost here is made with only plant material and turned with a tractor every seven to 14 days; Hudak helps crops along by making compost tea for fertilizer.
Amis Cameron said this approach to food and gardening has deeply affected her family.
“It is fascinating how it has changed the way we feel: We are so energetic and full of life,” she said.
The Cameron children have joined in the planting and harvesting. Rose, 6, planted a fairy garden this summer composed of strawberries and flowers that attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Claire, 12, planted a garden of Swiss chard and kale because she wanted to create a shady habitat for her rats. And Quinn, 10, planted Roma tomatoes and lemon cucumbers for the pasta sauce and ketchup garden.
“The garden has brought our family together,” Amis Cameron said. “We now have a tendency to spend more time in the kitchen together.”
These folk are creating what will become wonderful vegan & veganic history! 
On the video Amis & James were eating in Candle79.

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