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主題:can we use english in here??? 含原文總篇數 8
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作者: sandy002121
發表日期:2004/04/18 19:45:16
文章編號:105161   推文人氣指標: (0)

can we use english in here???

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Re:can we use english in here?

作者: sandy002121
發表日期:2004/04/20 6:33:13
文章編號:105344 篇  此篇回應:第 105204 篇 推文人氣指標: (0)

yes I can read chinese but I can't type chinese......../.\

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Re:can we use english in here?

作者: 臭lin
發表日期:2004/04/19 23:41:54
文章編號:105320 篇  此篇回應:第 105301 篇 推文人氣指標: (0)

Dear you don't need to worry about this question. We have lot's of friends can speak English very well in here.

You should feel free and share your opion or idea.

Join us and enjoy.

>【 在 fahuni 的大作中提到: 】

>Certainly you can write in English. I ain't saying that my English's well, though I can help translating if you'd ever need any help doing so.

>People here are nice and patience, so don't you worry about anything. Have fun.....



>>【 在 sandy002121 的大作中提到: 】

>>yes I don't know how to type chinese so I'm learning it

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Re:can we use english in here?

作者: 悠然自在
發表日期:2004/04/19 23:00:56
文章編號:105314 篇  此篇回應:第 105307 篇 推文人氣指標: (0)

Everyone English are so good!

sometime I can't konw your say...


>【 在 sashababy 的大作中提到: 】



>can you read chinese?

>then i can type chinese to answer you.

>>【 在 sandy002121 的大作中提到: 】

>>can we use english in here???

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Re:can we use english in here?

作者: 水娃娃
發表日期:2004/04/19 22:17:08
文章編號:105307 篇  此篇回應:第 105161 篇 推文人氣指標: (0)

can you read chinese?

then i can type chinese to answer you.

>【 在 sandy002121 的大作中提到: 】

>can we use english in here???

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Re:can we use english in here?

作者: fahuni
發表日期:2004/04/19 21:00:26
文章編號:105301 篇  此篇回應:第 105249 篇 推文人氣指標: (0)

Certainly you can write in English. I ain't saying that my English's well, though I can help translating if you'd ever need any help doing so.

People here are nice and patience, so don't you worry about anything. Have fun.....

>【 在 sandy002121 的大作中提到: 】

>yes I don't know how to type chinese so I'm learning it

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Re:can we use english in here?

作者: sandy002121
發表日期:2004/04/19 13:25:06
文章編號:105249 篇  此篇回應:第 105204 篇 推文人氣指標: (0)

yes I don't know how to type chinese so I'm learning it

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Re:can we use english in here?

作者: Lydia
發表日期:2004/04/19 0:56:42
文章編號:105204 篇  此篇回應:第 105161 篇 推文人氣指標: (0)

Of course!!!

You can post your questions in English. I believe lots of friends

here would respond to your message, if it is necessary. ;)

I had problems typing in Chinese many years ago. Thanks to

Vegevill friends who had patience to wait for me to practice my typing

skill, so that I can make communications in Chinese on the net now. You

might want to give it a try as well. After all, there are people who have

hard time to read English. It is a bit unfair to them, right?!

>【 在 sandy-002121 的大作中提到: 】

>can we use english in here???

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