It takes a lot of hard work I'm afraid to say.
Your friends, family and people who surrund you will certainly have an impact on you. However, this is you choice and who you are, you should not be affected by.
A real friend will accept and appreciate you. People who cannot recoganise this, you should think twice whether they are worth it having.
I have been a vegetarian for more than 10 yrs. It was very tough for me in the begening, all my friends left me........ I'm fine now.
My opinion is that keeping your faith, good people always respect your decison. Nothing comes in the way if you're up to it. Be firmed.
Wish all of you well.
>【 在 juling 的大作中提到: 】
>我家也只有我一個人吃素 週遭的同學朋友也只有我一個人是吃素的
>一路走來平平順順 只有比較開心 沒有比較低落
>至於吃幾年 我還是幼幼班的 年數只超過一隻手掌 未滿兩隻手掌的手指數
>而因為 吃素 是我個人的選擇 別人若用什麼特別的眼光來看 我都無所謂啦 不痛不癢 笑笑過去 走自己想走的路 選自己想吃的食物 就這樣簡單 我並不覺得很特別呀?
>我就是我 為了別人的言語帶來低潮?為了自己的飲食跟別人不同帶來低潮?
>嗯................都不會呀 所以 關於吃素的低潮~我真得不懂也想不通^^????
>>【 在 陽光海洋 的大作中提到: 】
>> 請問村民有人是單單一個人吃素的嗎?吃了幾年了?