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現在位置:討論區 / 料理與食材 / Re:今日菜單:方便又好吃的素烤

討論區/料理與食材 文章

主題: Re:今日菜單:方便又好吃的素烤
作者: BHV
文 章 編 號: 第 79350 篇
發 表 日 期: 2003/10/06 23:04:57
閱 讀 次 數: 815
此篇文章 回應: 79251 (Wen-Yu Hou)
推文人氣: (0)

Yes, several years ago my husband ordered from a TV commercial a Grill pan 的平底鍋, just like yours with 直鍋紋. We have been using it to fry 香椿餅, 香酥抓餅, 素烤 vegi hams, vegi black pepper steaks, corns, etc.. you name it!

One recipe for the grill pan is to fry "Thousand Sheet" spring roll:

Green Bean sprout or cabbage thread

Vegi Ham (thread)

Carrot (thread)

Dry or fresh black mushroom (thread)

Stir fry all above with 黑胡椒, 醬油膏, and then warp them inside one or two sheets of Thousand Sheet to make a spring roll. Put a little bit of olive oil on the pan, fry it (not deep file) until light brown. The 直鍋紋 makes the spring roll petty! Because the pan can be very hot, it takes less than a minute to fry it! By the way, Thousand Sheet is a kind of soy bean sheet which you can find it in Di-Hau Street in Taipei. I can't find it in Atlanta, so I had to get it from Taipei.

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