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討論區/家庭與婚姻 文章

主題: 素食的積極觀
作者: s
文 章 編 號: 第 6533 篇
發 表 日 期: 2001/06/22 10:51:27
閱 讀 次 數: 914
此篇文章 回應: 6521 (Jen999)
推文人氣: (0)

Hi! Everyone:(Sorry I have to write it in English)

Talking about being a Vegetarian, I've been through a hard time. I think it wasn't easy for any beginner.But I'm totaly agreed with the view of to have a healthy life and being an optimistic Vegetarian.

I'm a Vegetarian for almost 7 years, but during this period of time I faced many difficulities and I believe most of you may have similar problems, such as my parents disagree or lost many chance to make friends or still lured by dilicious meat dishes.......etc. But I learned a lot from those experiences and now I am very happy to be a optimistic Vegetarian. Like an old saying :

"Sweet is pleasure after pain".

No matter for what reason you want to be a Vegetarian, I think the most important thing is you're happy with it then it's the right way to do it.


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