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現在位置:討論區 / 家庭與婚姻 / Re:Re:Re:我已經有一個小孩,從小遺傳我易過敏體質,經

討論區/家庭與婚姻 文章

主題: Re:Re:Re:我已經有一個小孩,從小遺傳我易過敏體質,經
作者: lin-lin
文 章 編 號: 第 6530 篇
發 表 日 期: 2001/06/22 3:45:54
閱 讀 次 數: 756
此篇文章 回應: 6483 (sala)
推文人氣: (0)


I'm sorry...

I didn't mean to kill,or ask everyone to take animal!

I just like to let everyone here,understand;I'm learning about chinese herbs,and I know there are alot of good herbs are not from animal...

And ,I think everyone here all have a very nice heard!

You know that since we are all vegetarain,why,I'll ask everyone to kill?

I think maybe someone here did not understand what I mean!

So,here,I like to say Sorry to everyone!

Who ever take it wrong!!

And,again,I only mean you all can try the chinese herbs(But not the one from animals) ^^

Hope everyone can understand what I mean!! ^^

>【 在 00 的大作中提到: 】

>Dear ladys,and moms:

>Well,I just read some thing about chinese medicine.

>You might can go to check it out!!

>There are some ideas!!



>I think you'll find some thing good!!

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Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:給sala(該找素食的伴侶嗎? (作者:向右轉)
Re:Re:Re:Re:我已經有一個小孩,從小遺傳我易過敏體 (作者:lin-lin)


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