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現在位置:討論區 / 素食的疑惑與定義 / Re:辣椒、薑為何不算五辛,那也是辛味食物啊?

討論區/素食的疑惑與定義 文章

主題: Re:辣椒、薑為何不算五辛,那也是辛味食物啊?
作者: BHV
文 章 編 號: 第 60240 篇
發 表 日 期: 2003/05/24 0:54:52
閱 讀 次 數: 2351
此篇文章 回應: 60237 (BHV)
回應此篇的文章: 220622
推文人氣: (0)

For your information: 韭 maybe one of the 五辛 that I am not familiar with. It is in the market.

>【 在 BHV 的大作中提到: 】

>One saying is that the living beings in Ghost World like the smell of 五辛. So they will disturb the cultivators (to lick the cultivator's lip when they sleep or meditate, for example). 辣椒、薑 do not have strong smell like onions, green onions, garlics, and two others that I don't know much about and they are not in the market anyway.



>五辛 are listed in Bodhisattva's Precepts Sutra. But it does not list the reasons. I will not discuss if the 生出淫念 or above reason about smell are right or wrong here in the Village since it won't be proper.



>>【 在 悠然 的大作中提到: 】









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學習吃素中 (作者:B bear)
Re:辣椒、薑為何不算五辛,那也是辛味食物啊? (作者:BHV)


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