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討論區/醫療保健 文章

主題: Re:Kidney Infections vs. UTI
作者: 包子
文 章 編 號: 第 40695 篇
發 表 日 期: 2003/01/26 20:42:37
閱 讀 次 數: 773
此篇文章 回應: 40349 (相逢在七夕)
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UTI(Urinary tract infection)include upper and lower urinary tract infection.

Kidney infection usually means APN(acute pyelonephritis) is the most common upper urinary tract infection.

APN usually has symptoms like fever, chillness,nausea, costophrenic angle koncking pain(back pain at knocking) and usually combined with lower urinary tract symptoms such as dysuria(pain at voiding), frequency, urgency, burning sensation at voiding.

Lower urinary tract infection means bladder or urethra infeciton(cystitis and urethritis), and symptoms were as above mentioned.

Please go to visit the doctor and take antibiotics to control the UTI, if severe APN, admission to the hospital to receive intravenous form antibiotics is needed.

>【 在 Astrid 的大作中提到: 】

>Thank you for bring this up--that is the confusion

>I had because the doctor told my mum she has a slight kidney

>infection (without mentioning the bladder etc.) I will check

>with her again to see what the doctor said about the exact

>cause of the infection.


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