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現在位置:討論區 / 心靈素食 / 非常謝謝你們的愛。真正愛我就好好修行。  

討論區/心靈素食 文章

主題: 非常謝謝你們的愛。真正愛我就好好修行。  
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 236680 篇
發 表 日 期: 2024/08/09 9:44:22
閱 讀 次 數: 178
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清海無上師 2013.07.06 以英語開示於歐洲


Thank you so much for your love. If you really love me, practice well. Carry the noble message in your heart, and in whatever you do, and help other people, help each other in whatever way you can, in your means. Unconditional love is the best. There is a cord that attaches us to the soul no matter what level you go. In the physical body, we need to have more contact with Divine. So that the soul feels happy and goes up. And then when the soul is up, the soul can take also spiritual nourishment there, also. Not just through the body contact, but through the soul contact up there with the divine connection. The body is only for give-and-take of the karma, and also give-and-take of the spiritual blessing. So even if you do not feel that you elevated, but if your body is near the source of blessing, then the body also feels well. The mind also feels good, relaxed, and healing also takes place in that situation.



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Re:非常謝謝你們的愛。真正愛我就好好修行。  (作者:做個素食英雄吧)
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