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討論區/素食好書/影片 文章

主題: 網友花花的好書推薦
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 235929 篇
發 表 日 期: 2023/05/17 13:26:46
閱 讀 次 數: 304
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推文人氣: (2)

Vegan lunch🤤純素午餐🥣

我吃純素食😍美味又健康💗Be Vegan♻️環保Eco-living🌍救地球Save our Planet 📚新書-探索花花純素世界📚Exploring Jennifer’s Vegan World 🎀公益Charity 🙏🏻感謝各位親朋好友來支持我花花的新書📖《探索花花純素世界》📚各大書店有售😊🙏🏻💕 🔔【花花致力於推廣純素理念,親身踐行友善地球、友善動物的行動。】🔔【想知道花花怎麼會轉為純素主義者嗎?】遂明白:吃素要食用新鮮的食物原型🥦🥕🍆才是最健康。🔔【花花帶您純素遊香港、台灣、日本、馬來西亞、泰國、澳洲及紐西蘭。】作者花花是個喜歡全世界尋覓美食的人,她精挑細選了世界各地非常不錯的純素餐廳,給同樣熱愛旅行✈️、熱愛美食🌮的讀者做參考,亦非常貼心地給出了餐廳信息與花花推薦菜式,非常值得一讀!




📍📗澳門書店📖 現正發售🏆


📍🖥電子書📖 現正發售🏆

Thank you friends for supporting my new book👋"Exploring Jennifer’s Vegan World"📚Available in most of the bookstores😊🙏🏻💕🔔 【Jennifer is committed to promoting vegan concepts and personally practicing actions that are friendly to the earth and friendly to animals. 】Behind the support of Jennifer's adherence to veganism is the concept of being friendly to the earth🌎 and friendly to animals🐂. Jennifer not only advocates a vegan diet, but also promotes the use of vegan products and a series of environmental protection actions. The new book also provides complete vegan product information and environmental protection information, which can deepen the public’s understanding of vegan life.🔔【Want to know how Jennifer became a vegan? 】

 The author of the new book, Jennifer, was born in Hong Kong. She came to Australia to study at the age of 16. Because she was a Buddhist at that time, she started a vegetarian journey. At the beginning, she was ignorant of vegetarian life, and gradually accumulated a lot of vegan knowledge, and gained a healthier body and mind.

 🔔【Jennifer’s takes you on a vegan tour of Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia and New Zealand. 】🔔【Jennifer’s teaches you to make all kinds of delicious vegan, egg-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, and sugar-free desserts. 🍰】


#govegan #veganworld #vegan #green #hongkong #australia #ig #foodie #healthy #natural #delicious #sydney #food #drink #veg #facebook #happy #dairyfree #superfood #glutenfree #raw #instagram #energy #taiwan #swimming #beach

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做個素食英雄吧素友花花教您做各式純素、無蛋、無奶、無麩質、無糖及生機的私房甜品。 尋覓美食,親自動手製作美食才是!新書《探索花花純素世界》中,花花轉為純素菜式的巧妙方法,以及各種純素中菜、純素甜品的食譜。博客來有賣,絕對值得美食家們動手一試!花花帶您純素遊香港、台灣、日本、馬來西亞、泰澳洲及紐西蘭。2023/05/17 13:29:35
做個素食英雄吧知道花花怎麼會轉為純素主義者嗎?   新書作者花花(Jennifer)在香港出生,外貌甜美可愛,16歲那年到了澳洲留學,因那時是佛教徒,所以開始了吃素的旅程。剛開始她對於吃素也是懵懵懂懂,慢慢地積累到許多純素的知識,亦獲得了更健康的身心,遂明白:吃素要食用新鮮的食物原型才是最健康。   謝 2023/05/17 13:27:39
感謝立法委員和各政黨擁護素食主義者的同胞兄弟鄉親們 大 (作者:做個素食英雄吧)
🎉#台北第一間素食吃到飽的飯店,開始試賣!& (作者:做個素食英雄吧)


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