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討論區/素食快訊/趨勢 文章

主題: 前時裝公司高階主管創辦豪華純素鞋品牌
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 235500 篇
發 表 日 期: 2022/07/24 18:37:19
閱 讀 次 數: 203
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「世間的戰亂、殺戮都是眾生惡業的匯聚,使眾生同時受報。」—尊敬的大師 宣化上人(素食者)

Noteworthy News






Former fashion executive starts luxury vegan shoe brand.

After working in the high-end fashion industry for over 20 years, for brands such as Dolce & Gabbana and Donna Karan, Tina Bhojwani decided it was time to move towards sustainable fashion to leave positive footprints on the planet. Joined by her investor friend Alvertos Revach and renowned shoe designer Jean-Michel Cazabat, the trio created the luxury vegan footwear brand, AERA in 2019. All of AERA’s shoes are certified vegan and made from as many eco-friendly materials as possible, while ensuring the highest quality end result. The shoe exteriors are made from cotton and synthetic materials, the lining is from plant-derived bio polyol, a leather alternative is used for the soles, and recycled plastic or a combination of wood and thermoplastic polyurethane for the heels. Our appreciation, AERA, for promoting cruelty-free fashion. May you achieve great success bringing comfort and class to the world in a sustainable way, in Celestial creativity.

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