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討論區/名人與素食 文章

主題: 哈里遜福特也吃素
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 234441 篇
發 表 日 期: 2020/02/24 21:27:57
閱 讀 次 數: 483
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I guess he was vegetarian. He didn't eat meat. Possibly he would be vegan by now. Lots of vegetarians are becoming vegan and close to that. 我猜他是素食主義者。 他沒有吃肉。 到現在他可能會成為素食主義者。



Harrison Ford



英文名 Harrison Ford

國籍  美國

出生 1942年7月13日(77歲) 美國芝加哥


哈里遜·福特(英語:Harrison Ford,1942年7月13日-)是美國男演員。他最著名的角色包括《星際大戰》中的韓·蘇洛和《法櫃奇兵》中的印第安那·瓊斯。此外他還在多部好萊塢非常成功的作品中上演角色,其中包括《空軍一號》和《絕命追殺令》,這些角色與《星際大戰》和《法櫃奇兵》中的角色非常不同。有一段時間裡世界上最賣座的五部電影片裡均有福特的角色。哈里遜·福特的電影中有五部被收入國家電影目錄。2006年9月為止哈里遜·福特出演的電影在美國總票房約31億美元,在全世界估計達60億美元,僅次於湯姆·漢克斯。2016年1月為止,哈里遜·福特重回了電影票房總排行榜上第二名,僅次於山繆·傑克森。




Harrison Ford has cut meat and dairy out of his diet; the star says he made the switch for his health and for climate change.


Harrison Ford says he cut out meat and dairy for his health. | Wikimedia Commons


February 19, 2020


Audrey Enjoli

“Star Wars” star Harrison Ford no longer eats meat and dairy.


While appearing on the “Ellen DeGeneres Show” this week, Ford told DeGeneres, “I eat vegetables and fish, no dairy, no meat. I just decided I was tired of eating meat and I know it’s not really good for the planet, and it’s not really good for me.”



Harrison Ford On Climate Change

This isn’t the first time the “Indiana Jones” star has spoken up for the environment. Last February, while speaking at the World Government Summit in Dubai, he said that climate change deniers are “on the wrong side of history.”


Later that year, the “Indiana Jones” star spoke at the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York. There, he spoke about the importance of rainforest conservation and called on elected officials to take action on climate change.


“We’ve been talking about saving the Amazon for 30 years. We’re still talking about it,” he said. Ford added that the rainforest is “crucial to any climate change solution.” 


This is due to its “capacity to sequester carbon, for its biodiversity, for its freshwater, for the air we breathe, for our morality.”


He continued, referencing climate activist Greta Thunberg’s iconic speech: “And it is on fire. When a room in your house is on fire, you don’t say, ‘there is a fire in a room in my house.'”


Ford added, “You say, ‘My house is on fire,’ and we only have one house.”


The Most Vegan Franchise In The Galaxy

Ford isn’t the only “Star Wars” alumnus to speak out about climate change.


Natalie Portman, who played Padmé Amidala in the prequel trilogy, became vegan after reading author Jonathan Safran Foer’s 2009 book “Eating Animals.” She later and produced the 2017 documentary adaptation. The two-time Golden Globes winner spoke on animal agriculture’s impact on the planet in the months leading up to the film’s release.


Woody Harrelson, who played a young Han Solo’s mentor Tobias Beckett in 2018’s “Solo: A Star Wars Story,” is also vegan. The 58-year-old has spoken out against rodeo events, promoted Paul McCartney’s Meat Free Mondays, and spoken to the health benefits of a plant-based diet. He also convinced his “Solo” co-star Thandie Newton, who played Beckett’s partner, Val, to go vegan.


Daisy Ridley—Rey in the sequel trilogy—described herself as a “cheagan” (aka, a cheating vegan) in a 2017 Elle interview. “I’ve cut out meat and dairy, and eggs; but I sometimes eat fish because my moral compass is off,” she said.


Not only that, Disney’s Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge theme park, has multiple plant-based options, according to Vegan Disney Food. These include vegan blue milk, meatless Ronto roast, and pasta with Impossible Foods meat sauce.

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路易斯·漢密爾頓:華金·菲尼克斯 引領素食世界 (作者:做個素食英雄吧)
分享~~有機花茶推薦! (作者:小儷兒)


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