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主題: 世界網球球王 喬帥說他的成功,要歸功於全素飲食~ԅ
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 234419 篇
發 表 日 期: 2020/02/11 3:45:01
閱 讀 次 數: 1289
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世界網球球王 喬帥 - 諾瓦克•喬科維奇 (Novak Djokovic) 說他的成功,要歸功於全素飲食~😍
 Novak Djokovic Says His Tennis Success Is Down To His Plant-

2020澳洲網球公開賽近日於墨爾本公園落幕,由喬帥奪得冠軍,第4度衛冕榮膺空前的「八冠王」頭銜,也是貨真價實的「澳網之王」🤩 (😘喬帥好帥!!!)
他在第三輪獲勝記者會上說:「我很慶幸我吃純植物飲食同時也有高水準表現。」 👍


Since starting his professional career 17 years ago, Novak Djokovic has amassed 17 Grand Slam singles titles, including this year's Australian Open. But in a recent press conference, the Serbian tennis star revealed how his successes have vindicated his decision to compete while following a plant-based diet.

"I'm very pleased to be plant based and play at this level," he said in a press conference after his third-round win. "There's been a lot of criticism. People around me didn't really think that I could do that. There was a lot of doubt and a lot of question marks."


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The Complete Guide to Plant-based Eating

"I'm not a weightlifter, of course, but I do have an optimal balance between the strength and power and speed," he says. "Nothing seems to be missing, at least from my experience, I will keep on enjoying that."

But it's not just performance benefits that have encouraged the 32-year-old to cut meat from his diet, ethical and environmental reasons are also behind the dietary changes.

"...It's a lifestyle more than just a diet because you have ethical reasons as well, being conscious of what is happening in the animal world. The slaughtering of animals and farming and everything, that's obviously also a huge impact on climate change which maybe people don't talk about as much. It's more than a performance reason for me, it's a lifestyle, it's something I'm really proud of."

"Hopefully that community grows even more; hopefully I can inspire other athletes that it is possible to be plant-based."

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