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主題: Europe Agriculture Equipment M
作者: RajatGupta
文 章 編 號: 第 234156 篇
發 表 日 期: 2019/09/17 12:47:44
閱 讀 次 數: 638
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According to Renub Research market research report "Europe Agriculture Equipment Market by Segments (Tractor, Harvesting, Seeding, Tillage, Haymaking, Planting & Fertilizing, Irrigation & Crop Protection, Garden Machinery, Agri Trailers, Livestock, Dairy) Sub-Segments & Forecast" Europe Agriculture Equipment Market is forecasted to be US$ 67 Billion by the end of the year 2025. Most of the European countries are technically advanced, and Europe agriculture equipment market is one of the most developed agricultural markets.


Growth production output by increasing the level of mechanization and optimized supply chain are the growth factors for Europe agriculture equipment market. Shortage of labor and aging population of farmers, urbanization, high commodity prices, increase in population, and sustainable development is boosting the demand for developing innovative equipment and machinery in the European market.

European countries like Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, France, Italy, and Poland are significant contributors to sales of agricultural equipment. Government administration across Europe also providing support to farmers in terms of loans, easy installment plans, and various subsidies, due to these initiatives, farmers can purchase better tools and machinery for agriculture.




  • By Horsepower: This research report coves market and market share of Tractors > 120 hp, 100-120 hp, 80-99 hp, 50-79 hp, and more than 49 hp.


  • By Harvesting Equipment: This research report covers market and market share of Cereal and Root Crop (Self-propelled Forage, Root Crop and Combine Harvesters), Balers and other types of equipment.


  • By Haymaking Equipment: Market and market share of Mounted or Trailed Mowers other Haymaking Equipment are given in this report.


  • By Tillage Equipment: This research report provides market and market share of Scarifiers and Cultivators, Harrows (Tooth, Disc), Ploughs and other Tillage equipment.


  • By Seeding, Planting and Fertilizing Equipment: Seeders (excluding precision), Mineral Fertilizer Distributors, Precision Seeders, Organic Fertilizer Spreaders and Planters, and Trans-planters are analyzed with market and market share in Europe Agriculture Equipment market report.


  • By Irrigation and Crop Protection Equipment: Market and market share of Sprayers, Trailed or Mounted, Other Crop Protection Sprayers, with or without Motor, Portable Sprayers and Mechanical Irrigation Systems.


  • By Livestock Equipment: Poultry Breeding, Feed Preparation and other Livestock Equipments are covered with market and market share in this report.


  • By Dairy Equipment: Market and market share of Dairy Equipment and Milking Machines are covered in this report.


  • By Garden Machinery: This report covers market and market share of Lawn Mowers, Chainsaws, Rototillers or Rotovators and Forestry Equipments.

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