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主題: 【素食第6道】親子烹飪素食蔬食「地瓜濃湯麵」
作者: kunping86
文 章 編 號: 第 233154 篇
發 表 日 期: 2018/07/12 11:35:02
閱 讀 次 數: 345
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Ernest’s daddy sometimes thought of some creative dishes. Children can eat the different meal. Ernest likes to drink corn soup, so his father create a new dish vegetarian "sweet potato soup noodles". 

Vegetarian sweet potato soup noodle’s soup has a natural sweet flavour. 

Children like the thick soup. 

You can add a variety of ingredients according to personal preferences. 

Ernest likes mushroom very much, so daddy use many coral mushrooms inside the vegetarian "sweet potato soup noodles". 

If you do not add noodles. It can be as a general thick soup to drink. 

You can also add rice into the sweet potato soup. So if you learn a soup base, ou can change a variety of dishes you can. Let the children eat a special meal, nutrition, delicious meal.

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