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現在位置:討論區 / 料理與食材 / 【素食第1道】親子烹飪素食蔬食「烘培起司火腿捲點心」

討論區/料理與食材 文章

主題: 【素食第1道】親子烹飪素食蔬食「烘培起司火腿捲點心」
作者: kunping86
文 章 編 號: 第 233120 篇
發 表 日 期: 2018/07/04 14:44:05
閱 讀 次 數: 415
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1. 素火腿:素料店
2. 起司片和酥皮:烘焙店
3. 俄力崗粉:超市


There are these voices of vegetarians . 
“Veggie snack recipes are rare.” “Material seems to be difficult to obtain.” 

“It's hard to find vegetarian snacks in the bakery” “How to prepare a snack for vegetarian children.” 
Therefore, I will come to share with you vegetarian light food, dessert, snack and so on.
Let you can easily make delicious and simple vegetarian dishes. Do-it-yourself can eat healthy, 
satisfying and packed with fresh flavor.
Today, I would like to share vegetable food light food baked with the oven. 
That is “Vegetarian ham and cheese puff pastry pinwheels”. 
This light food is very simple to make and the material is also very easy to obtain.

Where to buy materials of “Vegetarian ham and cheese puff pastry pinwheels”?

1. Vegetarian ham:Vegetarian store
2. Cheese and pastry:Baking shop 
3. Basil leave:Supermarket

“Vegetarian ham and cheese puff pastry pinwheels” is ideal for afternoon tea. 
You can serve with a cup of coffee or black tea. My son likes to eat 
“Vegetarian ham and cheese puff pastry pinwheels” very much. 
If you like this recipe. You can share with your friends and also subscribe to this channel.

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【素食第2道】親子烹飪素食蔬食「白醬義大利麵」 (作者:kunping86)
徵婚-希望找台中市、彰化縣,一貫道, 未婚素食善良誠懇的男生 (作者:幸福素舍)


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