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主題: CNN Headline Says ‘Go Vegan’ t
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 232223 篇
發 表 日 期: 2017/05/30 17:38:00
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CNN Headline Says ‘Go Vegan’ to Save the Planet 


April 23, 2017

(117) 蔬食星際聯盟 - 貼文


CNN Headline Says ‘Go Vegan’ to Save the Planet


One of the world’s biggest news organizations presents strong pro-vegan headline and message

In a detailed, fact-based editorial, George C. Wang, M.D., Ph.D. presented a strong case for veganism on the CNN website. Its headline was simple and direct, with a pro-vegan message like one not yet before presented on the news website: “Go vegan, save the world.”

Wang reports that there is a lot of public attention on how policy changes on climate issues often overlook a major contributor to the climate crisis, and that is animal agriculture. He also draws attention to the fact that, although livestock has a bigger negative environmental impact than transportation, people hesitate to address it.

He explains that it is important to take responsibility for individual choices because every individual choice ultimately does matter, and the choice to eat meat at a meal can have a bigger impact than you might realize. Ultimately, it is in the hands of individuals to decide what is important and how they wish to use the power they have to stop the destruction of the climate.

Wang goes on to examine possible dietary solutions, ultimately concluding that a vegan diet is the most effective diet for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. He also points out that veganism leads to a decrease in the demand for agricultural land and further land clearing.

Driving his point home, he also addresses the fact that there is more than enough food to feed everybody on the planet, yet people go hungry while 35 percent of the world’s grains are fed to animals who are considered livestock. At the same time, 80 percent of the land that’s being cut down in the Amazon is due to animal agriculture as well.

Wang doesn’t deny that there are challenges that stop some people from going vegan, but he claims that challenges like overcoming old habits are small compared to the harm that’s being done to the environment.

He concludes, “It is rare that a single choice of ours can have a broad and decisive impact on the climate crisis. We have a moral imperative to choose and advocate for plant-based diets for the health of our planet and the well-being and survival of generations to come.”

Who can argue with that?

George C. Wang, M.D., Ph.D. is an integrative medicine physician, assistant professor of medicine at Columbia University Medical Center, and adjunct assistant professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. His strong article on CNN is sure to open hearts and minds to the importance of veganism for personal health as well as the health of the planet.

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PBN Contributor:

Robin Raven

Robin Raven is the author of Santa’s First Vegan Christmas. She has written for publications such as The Malibu Times, Alabama Baby & Child Magazine, the official website of Melissa Gilbert, and USAToday.com. She holds a BFA from the School of Visual Arts and is now furthering her education. Robin often has her nose in a book and her arms around a rescued animal. She’s a vegan foodie who blogs at RobinRaven.com and loves to connect with readers on social media. You can follow her @RobinRaven on Twitter.

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