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* ¨HÀqªº©xû - bit.ly/29CDaMK
* «ÌªF¦a¤U¤ôÅç¥X¯~ - bit.ly/29JTgp6
* ¹A¦a¼oÄl´í (ºX¤s) - bit.ly/29U7GNp
* ¹A¦a¼oÄl´í (ºX¤s) - bit.ly/2ak2xBt
* ³½¶ó¼oÄl´í (¥x«n) - bit.ly/2anzxqi
* ³½¶ó¼oÄl´í (¥x«n) - bit.ly/29Lribd
* ³½¶ó¼oÄl´í (¥x«n) - bit.ly/2afZZGD
* Àù¯g¦a¹Ï - g0v.github.io/cancer/viz/
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New Zealand's First Vegan Governor General Sworn In
By Anna Starostinetskaya | ?? 3, 2016
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Dame Patsy Reddy celebrated her induction into office with an
all-vegan banquet.
Last week, Dame Patsy Reddy became New Zealand’s Governor
General. The first vegan–and third female—to ever hold that
office celebrated with a plant-based banquet featuring menu items
such as shiitake mushroom consomme, steamed buns with miso
roasted eggplant and pickled cucumber, crispy fried tofu with
lemongrass, chilli and black vinegar, and, for dessert, citrus
syrup cake with date and cacao filo. The four chefs at the
Government House where Reddy will reside revealed they will
continue to create plant-based menus for the new Governor General,
her visitors, and future events. In addition to playing the role
of the Queen’s representative, the Governor General will serve
as the Commander-in-Chief of the military group Royal Guard
of Honour. “It's just quite exciting to hear we have a vegan
Governor General,” spokesperson for Vegan Society in New Zealand
Claire Insleysaid. “I'm sure it will help to bring it into the
mainstream.” Top government officials are increasingly choosing
to eschew animal products and rallying for others to do the
same—as evidenced in a recent lecture in Ottowa, Canada wherein
the former president of Ireland Mary Robinson urged young
leaders to go vegan.
«á¾Ç«í©w¡ã«D±`·P®¦ ¥þ¥ÁÁÂÁ ÀqÀq§V¤O ¤@°_GO GREEN
ºñ¥Í¬¡ GreenLife
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#Vegan #½¹ #¯À¹ #Bijas¤@©À¯À¹ HK
¤À¨É¤F Best Video You Will Ever See ªº¼v¤ù¡C
Best Video You Will Ever See
10¤ë4¤é 23:33
Amazing! This inspiring heart surgeon celebrated his 102nd
birthday yesterday!
Vegan for 50 years, Dr. Ellsworth Wareham is a shining
example for healthy living.
10¤ë4¤é 9:30
#°ê¤º·s»D #«ÌªF #¦Û¤vªº¹q¦Û¤vµo
👍«ÌªF¥ú¹q¹A´× ³»¦í¤¤¬îÂù»ä
ºû®ÚGo Vegan
10¤ë3¤é 17:44
Master Li ¤À¨É¤F°÷ºû®ÚGo Vegan ªº¼v¤ù¡C
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GMO corn syrup ¨Ó»s³y¡C
Hamburger Chef Jamie Oliver Proves McDonald’s Burgers
“Unfit for Human Consumption”
Hamburger chef Jamie Oliver has won his long-fought battle against
one of the largest fast food chains in the world – McDonalds.
After Oliver showed how McDonald’s hamburgers are made, the
franchise finally announced that it will change its recipe, and yet
there was barely a peep about this in the mainstream, corporate

Oliver repeatedly explained to the public, over several years – in
documentaries, television shows and interviews – that the fatty parts
of beef are “washed” in ammonium hydroxide and used in the filling
of the burger. Before this process, according to the presenter,
the food is deemed unfit for human consumption. According to the
chef and hamburger enthusiast, Jamie Oliver, who has undertaken
a war against the fast food industry, “Basically, we’re taking a
product that would be sold in the cheapest way for dogs, and after
this process, is being given to human beings.”
Besides the low quality of the meat, the ammonium hydroxide is
harmful to health. Oliver famously coined this the “the pink slime
“Why would any sensible human being put meat filled with ammonia
in the mouths of their children?” Oliver asked.
In one of his colorful demonstrations, Oliver demonstrates to
children how nuggets are made. After selecting the best parts of
the chicken, the remains (fat, skin and internal organs) are processed
for these fried foods.
In reply to all of the bad press this process has received from
Oliver, the company Arcos Dorados, the franchise manager for
McDonalds in Latin America, said such a procedure is not practiced
in their region. The same, it should be noted, applies to the product
in Ireland and the UK, where they use meat from local suppliers.
In the United States, however, Burger King and Taco Bell had already
abandoned the use of ammonia in their products. The food industry
uses ammonium hydroxide as an anti-microbial agent in meats,
which has allowed McDonald’s to use otherwise “inedible meat.”
Most disturbing of all is the horrifying fact that because ammonium
hydroxide is considered part of the “component in a production
procedure” by the USDA, consumers may not know when the
chemical is in their food.
On the official website of McDonald’s, the company claims that
their meat is cheap because, while serving many people every day,
they are able to buy from their suppliers at a lower price, and
offer the best quality products. But if “pink slime” was really the
“best quality” that McDonalds can muster in the US, then why
were they able do better in Latin America and Europe? More to
the point, why can they apparently do better now in the United
These questions remains unanswered by the franchise which has
denied that the decision to change the recipe is related to Jamie
Oliver’s campaign. On the site, McDonald’s has admitted that
hey have abandoned the beef filler from its burger patties.
David Warner