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討論區/素食快訊/趨勢 文章

主題: 響應善待動物,各國興起「素食潮」
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 231445 篇
發 表 日 期: 2016/09/12 7:22:16
閱 讀 次 數: 953
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一個人的力量或許微不足道,但只要集合大家的力量,也能力抗畜牧業的鯊魚惡霸 殺業滿天下。


Never Give Up 素食小英恆定 ∼∼永遠不放棄的 和平夢∼∼給自己共勉之





何渝婷 2016-09-09 11:00


















Veg Food Fest

Veg Food Fest - Toronto Vegetarian Association
Dateat the vegetarian food festival
September 9th-11th, 2016

Hosted over 10-acres of Harbourfront Centre’s beautiful waterfront.

It’s a food festival first. Both local and international chefs will wow you with delicious dishes, desserts, drinks and everything else under the sun. Plus, we stock a marketplace full of vendors who will change what you think is possible for vegan food. It’s a weekend full of cooking demonstrations, free samples, new products and cookbook launches. Oh, and eating. You seriously won’t believe how much eating there is. We insist on making this event free to the public, so all you need to bring is an appetite. And if you’re an omnivore, don’t worry – we won’t try to recruit you. The food might, though.

Between meals, our program is stuffed with workshops, lectures, fitness classes, music, panel discussions and other special events. But let’s be honest, you won’t find out why we are North America’s largest veg food festival by reading words on the Internet. You‘ll have to visit us September 9-11, 2016 for a weekend-long celebration of the best the vegetarian world has to offer.

This Year’s Schedule
Can be found here.

Our History
On April 28, 1985, five hundred people gathered at the Kensington Campus of George Brown College (now the Kensington Market Lofts) for the Toronto Vegetarian Association’s first Vegetarian Food Festival. The event featured ten cooking demos led by local chefs and restaurateurs and a screening of The Vegetarian World, a 1982 documentary narrated by William Shatner.

Presented by the Toronto Vegetarian Association, the Veg Food Fest is the leading event of its kind in North America and one of the largest vegetarian events in the world. The festival attracts over 40,000 visitors, 130 exhibitors and features over 30 hours of programming including live cooking demonstrations, music, workshops, films and presentations on a variety of topics. The festival has been a launching point for many new products and businesses.

For media inquiries, please contact Erika Navarro at enavarro@enterprisecanada.com.

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高雄捷運素食地圖,讓素友們找素食超方便 (作者:做個素食英雄吧)
我們也要遊行∼請茹素!以色列海滨城市特拉 (作者:做個素食英雄吧)


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