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主題: 全球醫藥新知=懷孕時多吃水果可能讓你的孩子更聰明
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 231077 篇
發 表 日 期: 2016/06/11 6:07:28
閱 讀 次 數: 981
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全球醫藥新知=懷孕時多吃水果可能讓你的孩子更聰明 媽媽懷孕初期吃水果 生寶寶卡聰明http://www.globalmednews.tw/news_view.php?no=699 http://times.hinet.net/news/18357550


2016-06-07望子女成龍成鳳是許多家長的心願,準媽媽們在懷孕時也許可以考慮多吃些水果,根據《EbioMedicine》刊登加拿大阿爾伯塔大學(University of Alberta)的最新研究,發現懷孕時攝取較多水果的婦女,其生下的幼兒可能具有較高的智商。實驗中作者招募688位兒童,控制可能影響孩子學習及發展的其他變因,例如家庭收入、父親及母親的受教育程度、受試兒童的胎齡(gestational age)等等,並以傳統智商量表(IQ scale)進行智力測驗,一般而言平均智力分數為100,其中三分之二的人口智力分數會落於85-115的區間。實驗結果發現,若婦女於懷孕時每天攝取水果或果汁的份數達6-7份,其生下來的幼兒一歲大時,平均智力較其他幼兒高了6-7分,此差距已達平均智力標準差(standard deviation)的一半。'
加拿大研究:寶寶高智商與媽媽懷孕吃很多水果有關更新時間: 2016-05-19  吃水果  |  媽媽  |  寶寶智商 懷孕媽媽吃水果與寶寶智商有關 新唐人2016年05月18日?

研究報告的作者Piush Mandhane博士說:「我們知道,如果孩子在子宮內呆的時間越長,他們發育的就會越好,如果媽媽每天多吃一份的水果,相當於又在子宮內多呆一周的效果。」

這份研究已經刊登在EBioMedicine上。- See more at: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2016/05/19/a1267296.html#sthash.NdjkEeO3.dpuf

新聞出處:Eat fruits during pregnancy for smarter kids: study《DECCAN. Chronicle》
http://www.deccanchronicle.com/lifestyle/health-and-wellbeing/270516/eat-fruits-during-pregnancy-for-smarter-kids-study.htmlEat fruits during pregnancy for smarter kids: study Published May 27, 2016, 12:03 pm ISTUpdated May 27, 2016, 12:03 pm IST
Researchers found that one of the biggest predictors of cognitive development was how much fruit moms consumed during pregnancy.The findings were published in the journal EbioMedicine. The findings were published in the journal EbioMedicine.Toronto: Moms-to-be, take note! Women who eat more fruits during pregnancy may give birth to smarter children, a new study has claimed.
Researchers found that mothers who consumed more fruit during pregnancy gave birth to children who performed better on developmental testing at one year of age.
"We found that one of the biggest predictors of cognitive development was how much fruit moms consumed during pregnancy," said Piush Mandhane from University of Alberta in Canada.
"The more fruit moms had, the higher their child's cognitive development," said Mandhane.
The study examined data from 688 children, and controlled for factors that would normally affect a child's learning and development such as family income, paternal and maternal education, and the gestational age of the child.
Using a traditional IQ scale as a model, the average IQ is 100 and the standard deviation is 15; two thirds of the population will fall between 85 and 115, researchers said.
The study showed that if pregnant mothers ate six or seven servings of fruit or fruit juice a day, on average their infants placed six or seven points higher on the scale at one year of age, they said.
"It is quite a substantial difference - that is half of a standard deviation," said Mandhane. "We know that the longer a child is in the womb, the further they develop - and having one more serving of fruit per day in a mother's diet provides her baby with the same benefit as being born a whole week late," he said.
To further build on the research, Mandhane teamed with Francois Bolduc from Alberta University, who researches the genetic basis of cognition in humans and fruit flies.
"Flies are very different from humans but, surprisingly, they have 85 per cent of the genes involved in human brain function, making them a great model to study the genetics of memory," said Bolduc.
"To be able to improve memory in individuals without genetic mutation is exceptional, so we were extremely interested in understanding the correlation seen between increased prenatal fruit intake and higher cognition," he said.
Bolduc showed that flies born after being fed increased prenatal fruit juice had significantly better memory ability, similar to the results shown by Mandhane with one-year-old infants.
The findings were published in the journal EbioMedicine.
Tags: pregnancy, eating fruit研究刊登在《EbioMedicine》的網頁

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