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Professionals; Vegan doctors, R.D.'s, vets, nutritionists
DECEMBER 29, 2012
Plant-Powered Professionals; Vegan doctors, R.D.'s, vets, nutritionists
Plant-Powered Professionals is a compilation of vegan (or at least those who advocate a 100% plant-based diet) medical doctors, registered dietitians, certified nutritionists, doctors of veterinary medicine, etc. Those who don't live vegan, but advocate for a 100% plant-based diet for health reasons, are indicated as such. Eating a plant-powered diet is not synonymous with being vegan, however the dietary aspect is a big part of vegan living, and one that people need help with. That is why I've compiled professionals and authorities who can help with what to eat and how to stay healthy eating vegan. We can thrive without consuming any animal products, and therefore it is unjust to use fellow sentient animals for food, clothing, products, and practices.
If you would like to be added to this compilation, please contact me ~ click here 
~ ~ ~
John McDougall, MD is a board-certified internist, author of 11 national best-selling books, the international on-line “McDougall Newsletter,” host of the nationally syndicated television show “McDougall M.D.,” and medical director of the 10-day, live-in McDougall Program in Santa Rosa, CA. He is an Associate Professor at the Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Mare Island,
Vallejo, California. Other McDougall activities include seminars and health-oriented adventure vacations. Scientific References for his recommendations are in these twelve national best-selling McDougall books: The McDougall Plan ~ McDougall's Medicine: A Challenging Second Opinion ~ The McDougall Health Supporting Cookbook, Volume 1 and 2 ~ The McDougall Plan: 12 Days to Dynamic Health ~ The McDougall Program for Maximum Weight Loss ~ The New McDougall Cookbook ~ The McDougall Program for Women ~ The McDougall Program for a Healthy Heart ~ The McDougall Quick and Easy Cookbook ~ Dr. McDougall’s Digestive Tune-up ~ The Starch Solution ~ www.drmcdougall.com
John Wedderburn, M.D. - "I have been a doctor for 50 years; vegan for 25 years. I have retired from clinical practice but am not yet senile! I believe that promoting veganism is the most important thing anyone can do for oneself, for other humans, for non-human animals and for the planet. I am happy to try to give advice on vegan matters to anyone who asks. You can find me on Facebook under John Wedderburn, Hong Kong. E-mail: jwed@hkstar.com".
David Klein, Ph.D., Hygienic Doctor; Director of Colitis and Crohn’s Health Recovery Center ~http://www.colitis-crohns.com~ http://www.digestionperfection.com - Email: dave@colitis-crohns.com – Phone: 808-572-0861 - Skype: davadurian - PO Box 791241 Paia, HI. 96779. Author of Self-Healing Colitis and Crohn's. Dr. David Klein says he has been a 100% vegan since 1984 and he helps all his clients heal and stay well via his Vegan Diet Healing Plan™.  Dr. Dave conducts phone consultations by phone and Skype with clients throughout the world Mondays through Fridays days, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm, Hawaii time. Each client must first read 'Self Healing Colitis and Crohn's' and submit a completed Health Questionnaire, Agreement and Health Diary prior to the first consultation. Dr Dave asks "Please begin by ordering the book and contacting me to request the documents. I am a professionally trained and certified Hygienic Doctor with a Ph.D. in Natural Health and Healing, as well as a nutritionist and a certified Nutrition Educator with 20 years of professional experience counseling people to health. I teach the Natural Hygiene self health care system (based on the laws of nature/biology/physiology/life). I offer phone and office consultations in diet, nutrition and healing. Since 1993, I have successfully counseled over 2,500 people back to health. I believe that my own healing journey and insights (I completely healed up advanced ulcerative colitis in 1984), studies, and counseling talents have placed me in a position to be the most qualified health coach you can find for IBD." ~ He offers an international counseling service via phone, Skype and e-mail. Regular Consultation Fee: $150 for initial 60 minute session. Additional time billed at $2.50/min.
Dr. Aryan Tavakkoli practices as a Consultant Physician in Respiratory Medicine in the U.K.  Aryan has written and spoken widely on the topic of diet, and its effect on both personal and planetary health. She focuses on the impact of animal farming on the environment and climate change, and presents the organic vegan lifestyle as the quickest and most practical solution to our environmental crisis. To date, thousands of people have heard Aryan’s talks either in person or on DVD. She has lectured in New Zealand and Australia, been interviewed for local and national radio shows and newspapers, and spoken as a guest speaker at national rallies.  ~ As well as using her voice as an advocate of animal rights and plant-based living, Aryan also uses her vocal skills as a singer/songwriter, in raising awareness about the plight of animals bred and slaughtered for food. Her talks and publications on these topics, as well as other important information regarding the vegan lifestyle, may be viewed on her website: www.VegSense.net and on her Youtube channel: . ~ Aryan is happy to respond to queries regarding any aspects of the vegan lifestyle including health and environment. She can be contacted via www.vegsense.net.
Dr. Hans Diehl – “I am 100% vegan. Our program’s dietary is total vegan, but we take people where they are and move them progressively to that goal. All our cookbooks are vegan, very low in sugar, salt, fat, and calories yet high in micronutrients and fiber. ~ www.CHIPhealth.org ~ CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program) office is in Loma Linda, CA.  For more information on Dr. Hans Diehl, visit www.CHIPhealth.com. Hans says “Our organization has introduced more than 55,000 people to our Optimal Diet, which is found in our cook book The Optimal Diet and in our book Health Power (2 million copies in 23 languages). They master the concepts by enrolling in a 35 hour educationally intensive  seminar called the CHIP program, which consists of epidemiologically oriented video-taped lectures, food demonstrations, shopping tours, daily exercise program, 3 healthScreens over a 12 week period with a 1 year monthly maintenance program. The clinical results have been published in 25 largely peer reviewed scientific/medical publications.  Our emphasis is not only on the prevention of chronic disease but on their regression and reversibility. E-mail: hans.diehl@CHIPhealth.com ~ hdiehl9775@aol.com- About the Founder: Dr. Hans Diehl 
Mark Berman – On his blog, Dr. Berman explains: “I am a vegan doctor who cares about the well-being of all life, be it human, animal or the ecosystems upon which we depend.” Mark studied physical therapy (McGill University), medical school (Yale University), research methods (UCSF, Doris Duke Clinical Research Fellowship) and internal medicine (Brigham &Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School. He was born in South Africa, grew up in Toronto, Canada, and now lives in San Francisco. Link to Mark’s blog about his services  ~ Dr. Berman tells us “I practice lifestyle medicine at One Medical Group. Most of my practice involves working with patients to foster a healthy lifestyle, to reverse obesity and its metabolic complications. I also see patients struggling to make important behavior changes such as quitting smoking or alcohol. I enjoy working with people who are vegan who are struggling to optimize their health and well-being. Visits with me are typically covered by insurance so your fee would be any co-pay you typically have to see a doctor. In addition, One Medical Group charges a $149 membership fee per year. Appointments can be made by speaking to any admin at 415.529.4099.
Michael Greger, M.D. - A founding member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Michael Greger, MD, is a physician, author, and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues.  He has lectured at the Conference on World Affairs, testified before Congress, and was invited as an expert witness in the defense of Oprah Winfrey in the infamous "meat defamation" trial. He is a graduate of Cornell University School of Agriculture and Tufts University School of Medicine. Hundreds of his nutrition videos are freely available at www.NutritionFacts.org, with a new video uploaded every day. ~ Michael Greger, M.D. has no time for consultations, but encourages people to use Dr. Klaper (vegan medical doctor) 
Dr. Mary (Clifton) Wendt, M.D. is a board certified internal medicine physician practising in Duluth, MN. Mary graduated from Michigan State University’s College of Human Medicine with post-graduate training at Michigan State affiliated Spectrum Health system. She has practiced medicine for twenty years. Mary has focused on lifestyle medicine and nutrition for the past 8 years after curing herself of pre-diabetes and lowering her cholesterol with the help of a vegan diet. Since making these changes for herself, she’s helped thousands of others get healthy and strong through changing their diet! Mary specializes in weight loss, osteoporosis and menopause, disease prevention, management, and reversal. She has lectured extensively and worked with leaders in the nutrition community.  Dr. Mary is the co-author of the best-selling book, Waist Away, co-author of the book Get Waisted: 100 Addictively Delicious Plant-Based Entrees, and co-founder of the healthy weight loss program Get Waisted. Dr. Mary is available for Skype consultations upon request and can be contacted via DrMary@drmarymd.com ~ Dr. Mary is a vegan for ethical and health reasons.
Dana S. Simpler, M.D., Internal Medicine ~ Phone: 410-563-1700 ~ 808-810 ~ Baltimore, Maryland. “I am a vegan 'for health reasons' doctor and encourage patients to eat vegan to prevent and reverse disease. My practice is in downtown Baltimore. I am technically not taking new patients if someone calls cold - but, I do want to take patients who want to use diet to improve their health - I am tired of prescribing more and more pills, when dietary changes can be so effective. If you contact me, please mention that you got my name through TheVeganTruth blog and are interested in plant-based diet to improve your health.
Dr. Jon Repole holds a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from NYCC, a B.S. from Siena College, a Holistic Health Practitioner and Nutritional Consultant degree from the Global Institute for Alternative Medicine, as well as certificates and post doctorate education in plant-based nutrition, endocrinology, anti-aging, neurology and functional medicine. He is a member of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and Institute for Functional Medicine where he has completed training in ‘Applying Functional Nutrition for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management.’ Jon tells us "I live a 100% vegan diet and lifestyle and have been teaching the tenets of a whole foods plant based vegan diet at our wellness center for many years." Since 2001, he has been working with patients integrating a new paradigm of healthcare based on dietary and lifestyle medicine. He uses a revolutionary plant based dietary intervention called the 100% DIET. It was developed over a 10 year period in working with 1000’s of patients and conditions (heart disease, autoimmunity, hormonal dysfunctions, weight loss, fatigue, depression, diabetes, etc.). His philosophy is treating the person not the disease. He believes that our genes are not our destiny: Epigenetics literally means above the genes. We are born with genes; however, the environment our genes bathe in determines their expression or lack thereof. Thus, the environment is the information that dictates which genes will be turned on and which ones will be turned off. In genetics this is referred to as gene expression and is controlled by our DIET and LIFESTYLE. Dr. Repole practices in Jacksonville, Florida at Jacksonville Health and Wellness. His website is www.DrRepole.com and can be reached at 904 268-6568.
Dr. Michael Klaper, M.D. (vegan)
True North Health Center - www.healthpromoting.com ~ www.TrueNorthHealth.com - All 8 doctors are plant-based, I’m informed by Alan Goldhamer D.C., the clinic’s director, located in Santa Rosa, CA. ~ Phone: (707) 586-5555 ext 2022 - Email: Dracg@TrueNorthHealth.com ~ TrueNorth Health Center is a state-of-the-art facility that provides medical as well as chiropractic services, psychotherapy and counseling, and massage and body work, with a groundbreaking residential health education program. Dr. Goldhamer has supervised the fasts of thousands of patients. He is the author of The Health Promoting Cookbook and co-author of The Pleasure Trap: Mastering The Hidden Force That Undermines Health and Happiness. Also on staff at TrueNorth is Dr. Michael Klaper; who graduated from the University of Illinois College of Medicine in Chicago in 1972. He served his medical internship at Vancouver General Hospital in British Columbia, Canada and undertook additional training in surgery, anesthesiology, orthopedics and obstetrics at the University of California Hospitals in San Francisco. As Dr. Klaper's medical career progressed, he began to realize that many of the diseases his patients brought to his office—clogged arteries (atherosclerosis), high blood pressure (hypertension), obesity, adult onset diabetes, and even some forms of arthritis, asthma, and other significant illnesses—were made worse, or actually caused by the high-fat, overly processed Standard American Diet (SAD). This prompted him to undertake a serious study of the link between diet and disease, eventually leading him to implement nutritionally-based therapies in his practice. The results were dramatic. Nearly all of his patients who followed his dietary, exercise, and stress reduction programs soon became leaner and more energetic, while their elevated blood pressures and cholesterol levels returned to safer values. (In twelve weeks on this same program, Dr. Klaper's own cholesterol dropped from 242 mg/dl to 140mg/dl, while a 22-pound "spare tire" of abdominal fat melted away, all without dieting or calorie restriction.) He also observed that many of the chronic diseases mentioned above improved or resolved completely, often allowing his patients to reduce or discontinue their medication entirely. Dr. Klaper believes strongly that proper nutrition and a balanced lifestyle are essential for health and, in many cases, make the difference between healing an illness and merely treating the symptoms. Dr. Lisle is the Director of Research for TrueNorth Health Center and has published numerous articles in the scientific literature. He is the co-author of The Pleasure Trap and is in private practice, conducting psychotherapy at the TrueNorth Health Center. Dr. Sultana, M.D. is a board-certified family physician. He graduated from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in 1996. He holds a dual degree in Art History and Physics from Fordham University, where he graduated Summa cum Laude in 1987. He maintains a family practice at the TrueNorth Health Center, and brings his mainstream medical perspective to the research efforts of the Center. There are also 4 doctors of chiropractic that practice at the TrueNorth Health Center.
Andrew Knight; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine ~ www.AndrewKnight.info – Contact him through his website. Andrew Knight is a European Veterinary Specialist in Welfare Science, Ethics and Law; a Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, which is dedicated to advancing the ethical status of animals through academic research, teaching, and publication; and the Director of Animal Consultants International, which provides multidisciplinary expertise for animal issues. He has published extensively on animal issues, including his 2011 book; The Costs and Benefits of Animal Experiments. Dr. Knight’s other publications have examined the contributions of the livestock sector to climate change, vegetarian companion animal diets, the animal welfare standards of veterinarians, and the latest evidence about animal cognitive and related abilities, and the resultant moral implications. Andrew has delivered presentations on animal issues at many universities, scientific and popular conferences internationally, and is happy to consider further presentations. Andrew Knight’s informational websites: www.VegePets.info    ~   www.AnimalExperiments.info, www.HumaneLearning.info ~ Details of his publications and standard presentations are available at www.AndrewKnight.info.
Armaiti May; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist - "I have been vegan and animal advocate for over 13 years and a practicing veterinarian for over 7 of those years. I provide veterinary housecalls for dogs, cats and other mammals in the Los Angeles area. My services include examinations, nutrition consultations, bloodwork, vaccines, urinalysis, acupuncture treatments, prescribing Chinese herbs as well as Western medications, administering subcutaneous fluids, nail trims, ear cleaning and minor wound treatment and bandaging. I also offer at-home euthanasia when necessary. If an animal needs a surgery such as a spay/neuter, mass removal, or other soft tissue surgery, I can perform that at a clinic in West Los Angeles, where I can also provide dental cleaning services and radiographs as needed. I have given talks on vegan diets for dogs and cats, as well as ethical issues in veterinary medical training and the practice of veterinary medicine. In 2009, I spoke at many city council meetings in the Los Angeles area in support of banning declawing cats. Eight cities in California have now banned declawing of cats. Website: www.veganvet.net ~ Email: veganvet@gmail.com ~ Phone: (310) 614-3530 - Fax: (310)220-6792 ~ Radio Show: Every Tuesday 1-2 pm PST: "Animal Issues with Dr. Armaiti May" live via http://adrenalineradio.com/shows/168-the-vegan-vet. Fees: $25-50 for initial phone or email consultation depending on the depth and time required for addressing the client's question * $50-100 for housecall fee depending on where in Los Angeles client resides ($50 if within close proximity of the westside) *$50 for initial examination and consultation and $50 for each acupuncture treatment.
Dr. Lorelei Wakefield appeared on TV's Animal Precinct and was interviewed in Cat Fancy Magazine about vegetarian cat diets.  During her 6 years at the ASPCA, she has cared for animals in the shelter and hospital as well as for victims of cruelty.  She works with Mercy for Animals and Animal Equality to improve the welfare of animals living on farms. In the Galapagos Islands, Dr. Wakefield volunteered her services for Darwin Animal Doctors to help control pet overpopulation affecting the ecosystem. In 2006, she published an informative article in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association describing the health of vegetarian cats.  She is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Wakefield lives in New York City, where she jogs and spends time with a happy and social cat named Noel. ~ Services offered: Veterinary consulting for organizations (detailed veterinary statements as evidence of animal cruelty, protocols for small and large scale animal care and/or rescue operations, shelter protocols, hoarding intervention protocols, etc.) and individuals. I provide phone or skype veterinary consultations, especially for vegetarian companion animals. Initial fee is $100 for 30 min. phone consultation and follow up summary email. Also I offer Comforts of Home Veterinary House Calls in NYC, moving in November to Honolulu. For more information, see Vegetarian Cats or email me for consultations. Not veterinary related, I also run Vegantopia.org which is a vegan future and solution brainstorming site.
Stephanie Hoban holds a Masters and Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition, is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian, as well as a natural foods chef. Stephanie tells us "Currently, I work full-time as a Registered Dietitian for a Houston restaurant concept. Currently, Ripe is a blog/website designed and written by myself. All recipes I share are vegan, with a large majority that happened to be gluten-free, as well.  www.ripe-cuisine.com, - on Facebook, www.pinterest.com/ripecuisne. Individuals can also subscribe to Ripe via email and will get an alert of new posts, etc. In terms of services I offer, I have done cooking demonstrations and classes. I would also be available for nutrition consultations, grocery store tours, catering, etc. All services are done on a case by case basis.
Brenda Davis -  www.brendadavisrd.com, www.becomingvegan.ca ~ E-mail: brendadavis@telus.net ~ Location: British Columbia, Canada. Brenda is a vegan registered dietitian and co-author (with Vesanto Melina) of the new Becoming Vegan: Express Edition; Becoming Vegan: Comprehensive Edition (to be out summer 2014); Becoming Raw, The Raw Food Revolution Diet, Dairy-free and Delicious, as well as the bestselling nutrition classics Becoming Vegan, Becoming Vegetarian, The New Becoming Vegetarian and Defeating Diabetes. Brenda is also author of numerous professional and lay articles. She is the lead dietitian in a diabetes intervention project in Majuro, Marshall Islands and a past chair of the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group of the American Dietetic Association. In 2007, Brenda was inducted into the Vegetarian Hall of Fame. Lecture fees are $1500, although this is negotiable for non-profit groups. Brenda provides consultations for businesses and individuals when her schedule permits. Her fees are $350 for a nutritional consultation with follow-up or $110/hr.
Vesanto Melina - www.nutrispeak.com; www.becomingvegan.ca ~ Location: British Columbia, Canada. is a Registered Dietitian and co-author (with Brenda Davis) of the new Becoming Vegan: Express Edition; Becoming Vegan: Comprehensive Edition (to be out summer 2014); Becoming Raw; and the Raw Food Revolution Diet (the latter with Cherie Soria). She wrote Cooking Vegan and Cooking Vegetarian (with chef Joseph Forest) as well as the bestselling nutrition classics Becoming Vegan, Becoming Vegetarian, The New Becoming Vegetarian, Raising Vegetarian Children with Jo Stepaniak, and The Food Allergy Survival Guide with Dina Aronson and Jo Stepaniak. Vesanto taught nutrition at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and at Seattle’s Bastyr University. She is a government consultant and internationally known speaker. She also co-authored the joint position paper on vegetarian diets of the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada. Her fee is $282 for a detailed consultation and dietary nutritional analysis, or $110 per hour. (The titles that say vegetarian are vegan!) E-mail: vesanto.melina@gmail.com
Julieanna Hever ~ www.PlantBasedDietitian.com  ~ Julieanna Hever, also known as The Plant-Based Dietitian, is a passionate advocate of the miracles associated with following a whole food, plant-based diet-the established effects of which provide positive healthful benefits. Julieanna is the host of Veria Living Network’s What Would Julieanna Do?, author of the best-selling book, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition. She is the co-author of the new book, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Gluten-Free Vegan Cooking, which she wrote with Chef Beverly Lynn Bennett. Julieanna counsels a variety of clients throughout the world from her Los Angeles, California-based private practice. Julieanna was recently featured on The Dr. Oz Show, as well as other television appearances and on numerous radio shows, and lectures extensively throughout the United States. She is published in prominent journals, magazines, blogs, and newsletters. As co-producer and star of the “infotainment” documentary To Your Health, Julieanna interviewed a host of the plant-based world’s most respected doctors and researchers to bring this important information to film and television audiences. Julieanna is also a Special Consultant for the best-selling documentary, Forks Over Knives. Her work as the Executive Director of EarthSave, International, has also provided an opportunity for Julieanna to bring whole food, plant-based nutrition to the forefront of efforts to improve the current global health crisis. Julieanna received her Bachelors degree from UCLA and Masters of Science in Nutrition at California State University, Northridge, where she also completed her Dietetic Internship. She has taught as part of Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s eCornell Plant-Based Nutrition Certification Program, worked as a clinical dietitian at Century City Doctors Hospital, and has consulted for numerous businesses. Private Consultations: Julieanna specializes in weight loss, sports nutrition, as well as disease prevention, management, and reversal. She works with people across the lifespan (from infant to geriatric) and with various health concerns and goals. Julieanna guides her clients through a transition to a healthy, whole food, plant-based diet and is available for private, semi-private, and group consultations via email, phone, Skype, and Facetime, as well as via in-home around the Los Angeles and Ventura County areas. She is available for Lectures, Presentations, and Seminars, and for Nutrient Analysis, Recipe Development, and Meal Planning. Link to her services: http://plantbaseddietitian.com/services/
Ginny Messina - www.TheVeganRD.com ~ www.facebook.com/TheVeganRD. Ginny does not do consultations, but does do speaking engagements. Speaking topics focus on easy guidelines for staying healthy and happy on a vegan diet. She requests reimbursement for travel expenses, with speaking fees negotiable. She writes articles, and people may find helpful info in her books and website. Ginny says "My focus is on helping vegans adopt eating habits that are both healthy and easy in order to make veganism a realistic lifelong choice." She authored the book: Vegan for Life. Her latest book is Vegan for Her.
Mark Rifkin, MS, RD, LDN, a former animal activist, has been vegan since 1986, and has an MS in Health Education. He has been conducting presentations on nutrition and food-related topics since 1997. As a Registered Dietitian, Mark focuses on plant-based diets to prevent and treat chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and depression.  He also specializes in helping vegans and vegetarians establish optimal eating habits, and helping new visitors to vegetarian/vegan lifestyles find practical ways to make the transition---and to do it with flavor. ~ Services can be provided in person or remotely, and can include details of the parts of a healthy vegetarian/vegan plate, menus and recipe ideas, how to use tofu and beans and other vegetarian/vegan products for best results, review of supplement questions and similar topics.  Mark is located in Baltimore, Maryland. ~ Initial individual sessions cost $175 for 2 hours. Presentations live or via the web can also be provided. Please contact me for further details. ~ Ph.: 410-764-8343 - Email: preventive_nutrition@verizon.net -Website: www.preventivenutritionservices.com - 
Amanda Benham (B.A., B.Sc., Grad Dip Human Nutrition, Grad Dip Nutrition and Dietetics, Master of Health Science. Accredited Practicing Dietitian (Australian equivalent to a RD), Accredited Nutritionist, Member of the Dietitians' Association of Australia. Amanda has been a vegan since 1983. She has two children (now 24 and 22) who are lifelong vegans. She does consultations face-to-face in Brisbane or via skype/email/phone. She offers assistance with optimum nutrition for people who are vegan or going vegan, including for nutritional adequacy, weight control, athletes, mums-to-be, babies, children, adolescents, busy people, people with medical conditions, etc. ~ www.humanherbivore.com~Email
Linda Carney, MD - Practice Website:  - http://www.DrCarney.com (helpful plant-based resource to be launched in the next couple weeks which will discuss Dr. Carney’s Seminars and Lectures and her work as the Medical Director for plant based immersion programs and more. It will become her primary web site.) Address: 1760 FM 967, Suite B, Buda, TX. 78610 ~ phone (512) 295-7877 - After spending more than 20 years working as an Emergency Room Physician, Dr. Carney realized that she wanted to be a FENCE at the top of the cliff instead of an AMBULANCE in the valley. Her emphasis on Whole Person Care is all about preventing people from falling over the edge of the cliff of poor health rather than repairing broken people after a crash landing in the valley of unfortunate lifestyle choices that impair health. Another fitting analogy is that of being a WARNING sign in front of a washed out road. ~ Linda Carney MD helps patients Prevent and Reverse disease with balanced lifestyle changes, and in particular through implementing an anti-inflammatory, fiber-rich, nutrient dense and Starch-Smart plant-based dietary program. Dr. Carney is Board Certified in Emergency Medicine with ABEM. Patient education is emphasized by Dr. Carney, with a patient education room offering a treadmill and elliptical machine, available to watch many great educational videos, free of charge. Consider Linda Carney MD as an alternative to "Ill, Pill and Bill". She promotes 100% plant based nutrition. Dr. Carney has been the Medical Director for Rip Esselstyn’s Engine 2 Immersions in Austin Texas and Hawaii. She also gives lectures and conducts seminars.
Ryan Andrews, Registered Dietitian - Website: www.precisionnutrition.com - Phone: 303-736-8929 - Email: ryan@precisionnutrition.com - Nutrition, exercise, and yoga coaching; Coaching through Precision Nutrition, $99/month.
Book: Drop the Fat Act And Live Lean.
Vegan, except no preference on honey.
Read his bio here
Jack Norris, RD ~ www.jacknorrisrd.com (His blog is discussing scientific research about purely vegetarian diets as it is released.) http://www.veganhealth.org ~ 
contact: jacknorrisrd.com/contact_form.php
Books: Vegan For Life, 2011. Jack does not do personal counseling sessions.
Adrienne Raimo, Registered Dietitian, L.D and Certified Heath and Wellness Coach - www.onebitewellness.com - Phone: 614.596.7795 Email: onebitewellness@gmail.com ~The wellness program provides nutrition education and support for those seeking to improve their health through: weight management, eating disorders and challenges, general nutrition, nutritional analysis, medical nutrition therapy, peak performance and endurance, pre-natal health, women's health, and holistic body care. Adrienne Raimo performs individual consultations in-person and over skype/phone. During the initial consultation, your diet history, goals, and your main health concerns are discussed. Once the comprehensive picture of your health is attained, we will work with you on the areas that need more balance or improvement, and then explore how nutrition education and support would advance you into a higher level of energy for your life! Adrienne is a plant-based health professional, not strictly vegan, and I advocate plant-based diets because of health reasons. You can find OneBiteWellness on Facebook and Twitter    Initial Consultation: $129 (60-75 min).
Dr. Kerrie Saunders began her career in 1987 as a Master’s Level psychologist. She earned her Doctoral degree in Natural Health in 1998 after post-graduate coursework at the University of Michigan, Miami University, and Clayton College. Dr. Saunders is a nationally known Presenter and Author with work featured on television, and in numerous newspapers, e-zines, and magazines, including “Dear Dr. Kerrie,” in the award-winning lifestyle magazine, VegNews. You’ll hear her through much of Michigan doing ‘Dr. Food’s WMIC and WTGV Nutrition Intermission.’ ~ Dr. Saunders has served as a Global Diabetes Moderator and a Food Demonstrator for both Diabetes Prevention and Cancer Prevention, through the Washington DC-based, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. She lectures frequently for hospital and universities, and is the Coordinator of the Michigan Firefighter Challenge. Her book, The Vegan Diet as Chronic Disease Prevention, is a Publisher’s BestSeller, now in its 3rd printing, and she co-stars with Celebrity Fitness Trainer, John Pierre on their spectacular Food Demo DVD series, When Bachelor Meets Homemaker. Dr. Saunders has presented to audiences throughout the US and Canada, and you can find more on her work online at  www.DrFood.org
Barry Sultanoff is co-director of Leilani Farm Sanctuary on Maui. He tells me “I am a licensed M.D, in Hawaii. My practice is entirely by telephone consultation. I do not see patients in an office setting. My specialty is whole-person psychiatry: I coach individuals in how to facilitate optimal health. And, yes, I am vegan. I have been vegetarian for about 45 years.” Phone: 808-214-6449 ~ E-mail: Essential@Hawaii.rr.com ~ Services:   Telephone consultation (usually between 30 and 60 minutes) on issues ranging from emotional challenges (acute or long-term) to nutritional optimizing (supplements, transitioning to vegetarian/vegan) to lifestyle improvements (exercise, meditation, overcoming addiction). Fees are established on an individual basis. Barry Sultanoff is an M.D./psychiatrist, in practice for 40 years.
The Vegetarian Health Institute - 
www.veghealth.com ~ Phone: 510-402-6516. “We teach people to thrive on a plant based diet, whip up delicious whole food meals in 10-30 minutes, and not be vulnerable to deficiencies. All of our lessons on vitamins and minerals were authored by Michael Klaper, a vegan MD. Anyone can download our free nutrition guide "How Vegans Get Calcium, Iron, Protein, A, B12 and D" at: www.veghealth.com/vegan2.php. For people interested in permanent weight loss, we have another free book at www.veghealth.com/fit-forever-ebook-invite. Both books show people how to thrive on a 100% vegan diet. E-mail: healthsecrets@veghealth.com
Dr Tracie O’Keefe, DCH- Tracie is a registered health practitioner, with 35 years experience in the health industry. She is dedicated to helping people maximize their physical, psychological and emotional well-being. Tracie is a naturopath, western medical herbalist, nutritionist and massage therapist as well as a clinical hypnotherapist (doctor of clinical hypnotherapy), psychotherapist, counselor and sex therapist. She is the author of 8 books, and has appeared on a number of TV and radio broadcasts. Tracie became a vegan in 1996 for ethical reasons and soon after discovered the health benefits of a plant-based diet which she promotes at her clinic, the Australian Health and Education Centre in Glebe, Sydney. The centre also offers a range of skin and body treatments. All products used and sold at the clinic are plant-based, not tested on animals, and contain no animal-derived ingredients. Services: Private consultations for naturopathy (includes live blood analysis and iridology), nutrition, herbalism, hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, counseling (individual, couples and family), therapeutic massage and body and skin treatments at the Australian Health and Education Centre in Glebe, Sydney; a private clinic, so Medicare is not available. However private health fund rebates may be available on some services. Fees vary but are in the region of $180 per hour at the clinic for therapy and natural medicine consultations, and start from $17 for digital downloadable products. Phone: +61 (0) 2 9571 4333 - Websites: www.tracieokeefe.com (hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, counseling, as well as sex therapy) www.healtheducationcentre.com (naturopathy, nutrition, herbalism, massage therapy, skin and body treatments). www.doctorok.com (Contains downloadable products, including a Natural Eating and Vitality Program (promoting a plant-based diet.)
Gina Shaw DSc MA AIYS Dip Irid Dip NH, is not a medical doctor, but a Doctor of Science in Complementary Medicine. ~ www.vibrancyUK.com, Phone number is: 01626 352765 - Email: Ginashw@aol.com. Gina tells us "I offer personal health and nutrition consultations, fasting and juice diet supervision, emotional healing sessions, iridology (by email and in-person). Write for your free brochure. I have written several books including 'The Undigestible Truth about Meat', 'Nutrition and Emotions', 'Healthy Raw Recipes for Optimum Nutrition', 'The Anti-Ageing Diet' and 'The Healthy Vegan Child'. I have had an article in The Times newspaper, lectured around the UK and appeared on local radio. I am a long-term vegan health practitioner and lecturer. I also offer a course in Natural Health."
Sandra and Joshua
Sandra Higgins - "I am a Counselling Psychologist, based in Ireland where I work as Director of The Compassion Foundation of Ireland.  I offer a face to face service in addition to contact via telephone, email or Skype.  Please contact me for details. ~ I read for a degree in pure Psychology at The Open University, and studied at post-graduate level at Trinity College, Dublin where I obtained an MSc in Counselling Psychology with Distinction in 2001.  I also trained at The Positive Psychology Centre, University of Pennsylvania, The Human Animal Connection Unit at The University of Denver, Colorado, and The Institute for Humane Education, Maine, United States. ~ I offer assessment and intervention for a range of psychological difficulties (such as depression, anxiety, trauma and eating distress), through traditional psychological methods in addition to methods that have been influenced by my perspective on veganism and animal rights.  Those methods include Finding Sanctuary, Compassion Focussed Therapy, Ecopsychology and Ecotherapy, and the Compassionate Eating Programme.  A growing body of research is demonstrating that a great deal of human unhappiness is caused by our disconnection from the natural, non-human world, and that human wellbeing is associated not with the 'goods life' or materialism, but with a 'good', meaningful life, and with compassion and respect towards ourselves, towards others, human, and non-human, and towards the planet we share. My work is predicated upon the notion that psychological distress is within the normal range of human experience, and what is frequently categorised as psychopathology is often an attempt to cope with the suffering that we experience in life. I have been vegan for almost three years and am an active animal rights advocate. I am also the founder of Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary and Matilda's Promise Animal Rights and Vegan Education Centre. ~ Some intervention necessitates face to face contact; but other people benefit greatly from online sessions."
www.thecompassionfoundation.org ~ - www.edenfarmanimalsanctuary.com/ ~ www.matildaspromise.org/ 
Dr. Connie Sanchez, N.D. is a 2001 graduate of the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon. Her expertise is in 'teaching people how to create and maintain optimal health by living in harmony with the natural world.' She states "I work with all types of people, from those who are already healthy and are seeking ways to optimize and maintain their health to those suffering from long-term illness, trying to work their way out of the chronic web of dis-ease."  Dr. Sanchez has been a vegetarian/vegan for over 30 years and a strict vegan for over the last 5 of those years. She teaches patients that a whole food vegan diet is not only the best diet for human health but is also essential for the health of all species on this earth and for the planet. In her new book, Vegan Medicine: A Prescription for Health for You and the Planet, due to be released July 2013, she address this topic. Additionally, Dr. Sanchez is a volunteer writer for Dr. Michael Greger's, www.NutritionFacts.org website. In addition to specializing in vegan nutrition, lifestyle medicine, fitness, and fasting she works with people with thyroid disorders, hormone imbalances, autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Dr. Sanchez has interned with some of the worlds best nutritional doctors; Dr. John McDougall and the doctors at True North Health Center. She has earned a certified in Plant-Based Nutrition from T. Colin Campbell, PhD., is a spokesperson for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) and a former Cancer Project cooking instructor.  She has been a Nutritional Education Trainer (NET) for Dr. Joel Fuhrman, M.D. for going on 3 years. Visit her at www.veganND.com ~ On Facebook, and  read her vegan food blog at veganfoodforlife.wordpress.com and veganmedicine.wordpress.com. Dr. Sanchez is relocating from Colorado to the San Francisco Bay area in Feb 2013. She is available for speaking engagements and is accepting new patients. To contact Dr. Sanchez please call 720-206-4440 or email her at DrConnieND@aol.com.
Carrie Bowler, DO; One Medical Group, New York, NY - Phone: 212-530-0630 - Email: 30broad@onemedical.com - www.onemedical.com/nyc/locations/30broad ~ Carrie started with One Medical Group in San Francisco and is now exclusively practicing in New York. She is an accomplished family practitioner with strong interests in health maintenance and disease prevention, chronic disease management and treatment of musculoskeletal pain syndromes. She has a comprehensive knowledge of musculoskeletal anatomy and pathology and offers her patients individually-tailored treatments rooted in her osteopathic training. Supportive of healthy lifestyles and nutrition choices, Carrie is a vegan and an avid practice of yoga and hiking. Carrie completed her family practice residency UC Davis, where she also spent a distinguished year as chief resident in family and community medicine. She is certified with the American Board of Family Medicine. To learn more about Carrie, you can read her interview with One Medical’s bloggers here. One Medical Group provides excellent health care, including online appointments, same-day scheduling, and more time with your doctor. To cover costs of service not included in insurance, we ask that members support our model with a fee of $199 per year. One Medical Group accepts health plans offered by most major insurance carriers (ex. Aetna, Blue Cross – Blue Shield, CIGNA, Oxford, and more).
Dr. Pam Popper is a naturopath, an internationally recognized expert on nutrition, medicine and health, who teaches a plant-based diet through her company. She is the Executive Director of The Wellness Forum. The company offers educational programs designed to assist individuals in changing their health outcomes through improved diet and lifestyle habits; to assist employers in reducing the costs of health insurance and medical care for employees; and to educate health care professionals about how to use diet and lifestyle for preventing, reversing, and stopping the progression of degenerative disease. Dr. Popper is the author of several books; her most recent is Solving America's Healthcare Crisis. She is the Founder of The Wellness Forum Foundation, which offers programming in schools designed to improve children's health through better nutrition. Dr. Popper serves on the Physician's Steering Committee for the Physicians' Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington D.C. Dr. Popper is part of Dr. T. Colin Campbell's teaching team at eCornell, teaching part of a certification course on plant-based nutrition. She has been featured in many widely distributed documentaries, including Processed People and Making a Killing and appears in the film, Forks Over Knives. She is one of the co-authors of the companion book which is on the New York Times bestseller list. Dr. Popper is also a lobbyist and public policy expert, and continually works toward changing laws that interfere with patients' right to choose their health provider and method of care. She has testified in front of legislative committees on numerous occasions, and has testified twice in front of the USDA's Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. Dr. Pam Popper is a straight-talking professional who is not afraid to criticize national health organizations, government agencies, medical professionals, pharmaceutical companies, agricultural organizations and manufacturing companies, many of whom have agendas and priorities that interfere with distributing truthful information and promoting public health. She also does public speaking.
Valerie Rosser, BSc, RD, Pdt - Website: The Vegan Dietitian - Valerie is vegan for over 20 years and a Registered Dietitian with a Bachelor of Nutritional Science in Dietetics from McGill University; graduated with distinction. As a dedicated professional specializing in plant-based nutrition and a long-time vegan, Valerie has both the training and experience to help clients achieve a healthy vegan lifestyle, or to guide them in their transition toward a more plant-centered diet. She is also able to help them avoid common pitfalls that might keep them from reaching their goals. Valerie provides nutritional counselling for many different types of clients, including: individuals seeking healthier or more ecological lifestyles, those who want to manage their weight, those following specialized diets (e.g. raw, whole foods, gluten or dairy-free), children/teens, pregnant/breastfeeding women, seniors, those with high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol, heart disease/stroke patients, and cancer patients. Consultations are offered via Skype (worldwide), toll-free phone (US and Canada), or in-person (in the Montreal area). - The Vegan Dietitian on Facebook - Toll-free phone (US and Canada): 1-866-328-8447 - Fill out the Contact Form on her website
Veronique Perrot - 
Websites: www.YourVegLife.com - The Busy Vegan  - I can be contacted through my website where I provide also a free newsletter people can subscribe to. The newsletter contains tips, recipes and comments on being vegan (from an ethical perspective).  I provide holistic support to those who are vegan-curious and want to become vegans, or are already vegan but need support. I have successfully coached a good number of people towards not only a dietary plant-based lifestyle but to embrace a truly vegan (aka ethical) lifestyle. Many of them were "devoted" carnivores (so they thought) who never saw themselves becoming ethical vegans. Through phone conversations, personal meetings, email contact, workshops, and teleclasses, I encourage people to open their consciousness to learn and respect animals, the environment and their own bodies. By encouraging them to look at animals with a holistic vision, they learn to see other animals as individuals. They also learn that being Vegan is a healthy, vibrant and compassionate lifestyle.  ~ I am a board certified member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, a Graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I also have a Plant Based Certification from the T. Colin Campbell Foundation through Cornell University, and a Certificate of Recognition from Dr. Will Tuttle (author of The World Peace Diet) as a World Peace Diet Facilitator. Email: healthcoach@YourVegLife.com
Charles J. Huebner MD - Harbor Arthritis and Lifestyle Center - Petoskey, MI. - Email: chuebner@harborarthritis.com ~ Up until four years ago, I was a typical allopathic trained subspecialist in rheumatology, who relied solely on drugs to treat disease. Then something tragic happened, my brother David died of a heart attack at age 50. Shortly thereafter, I was reading an article by Michael Ozner MD, a preventive cardiologist, titled “More Isn’t Always Better in Coronary Care. In the article, he railed against American Cardiology’s over reliance on drugs and procedures to treat heart disease. I then read his book “The Great American Heart Hoax”, in which he described in great detail how one meal of animal based and processed foods damages the blood vessel lining tissue for hours at a time. This concept, called endothelial dysfunction, was of great interest to me as I was 56 years of age, overweight and took blood pressure and cholesterol medications. Next, I read “The China Study”, by T. Colin Campbell PhD. In his book he mentioned a physician from the Cleveland Clinic named Caldwell Esselstyn MD. Dr Esselstyn who had done a landmark study demonstrating that a plant-based diet could reverse even advanced coronary artery disease. ~ As it so happened, I called Dr. Esselstyn up one day and we talked for one half hour. He then invited me to attend his program at the clinic. Upon reviewing his presentation it became clear to me that I needed to embrace his diet. I did and in a period of six months, I lost 30 pounds and stopped all of my medications. My total cholesterol decreased to 130. This experience as a patient, made me look at how I was treating my patients in a different light. I began to explore how food affected the inflammatory diseases that we rheumatologists treat, such as RA and lupus. Based on my research, it was clear that diet affects inflammation in a major manner, by multiple mechanisms. Put simply, animal-based and processed foods stimulate inflammation and plant-based foods decrease inflammation. ~ Based on this information, we have added a plant-based diet to our therapeutic armamentarium, using it as a first line therapy for our patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases. In patients of ours who have embraced this diet, we have witnessed dramatic improvements in their disease status. We have seen patients with RA get off some or all of their immune suppressive and biologic drugs and maintain complete control of their disease with diet alone, an astounding result! As Hippocrates stated, “ Let food be thy medicine”.
Emily Segal - is a board-certified health and nutrition coach specializing in vegan diets. Emily is a life-long vegetarian and 4 year vegan. Emily works with clients who already are vegan as well as those who are in the beginning process of incorporating more plant-based meals into their diets. She is also an expert in the subjects of sugar addiction, emotional eating, over-eating and weight issues. Emily works with clients internationally via Skype.  You can reach Emily through her website www.TriumphWellness.com or by emailing Emily@TriumphWellness.com.  Kelly Athletics LLC – Fitness & Nutrition
Kelly Irish is an NASM Certified Personal Trainer, INSANITY® Instructor, and Nutrition Coach. She specializes in weight loss, athletic performance, and strength training; while helping her clients transition to plant-based diets. Prior to her career, she was a collegiate softball player and graduated from Penn State University in Biological & Food Engineering. Kelly’s life undoubtedly changed when she learned about the dangers of processed, engineered, and animal-based foods. After taking a deeper look at nutrition, it was an easy decision to switch to a vegan diet, however it was not easy to find foods that were vegan. It was a learning process and took extra effort and time each day to get used to, but soon enough it fell into place. Kelly had a total body transformation in 2011 losing over 75 pounds, which is what led her to turn her passion for nutrition and fitness into a career. She inspires and motivates others with her story, and is currently enrolled in the Plant-Based Nutrition certification program at Cornell University. You may book appointments online with Kelly by visiting her website at www.KellyAthleticsLLC.com.
Larry Karns, MD is a board certified ophthalmologist practicing in Canton, Ohio since 1990.  His educational journey over the years has brought him to the realization that a low fat plant based diet is the most important means of preventing and curing disease.  He discusses nutrition with his patients and offers bimonthly lectures to those who desire further information. It is amazing how many patients are interested in the benefits of a healthy diet not only from the prevention of ocular disease such as macular degeneration and cataracts but to the much broader and numerous systemic maladies including diabetes, obesity, hypertension, cancer, and multiple sclerosis; conditions that go well beyond eye health.  It has been gratifying to see that there is great interest in this amazingly simple concept.  Many people are very receptive to the ideas presented which they otherwise may not be exposed to. Ophthalmology is a tremendously gratifying career. Improving and restoring sight to people has no equal. But it pales in comparison to the magnitude of the importance to a low fat vegan lifestyle. ~ lkarns@ymail.com    facebook
Robyn Chuter is a naturopath, counsellor and EFT therapist who specialises in helping people overcome chronic disease and achieve optimal health through high-nutrient plant-based diet and emotional healing. Robyn became vegetarian at the age of 15 and has been vegan since 2005. She is on a mission to switch as many people on to the multiple benefits of a wholefood plant-based diet – for themselves, animals and the planet - as she can! She utilizes her dual background in both physical and mental health, and 20 years' experience in private practice, to help her clients bridge the gap between knowing what to do to be healthy and happy, and actually doing it. Robyn works with people who are fed up with being unwell, overweight and on medications they hate, and ready to take responsibility for their own health. She offers intensive programs incorporating nutrition education, guided shopping tours, cooking instruction and powerful techniques to overcome psychological barriers to change –including emotional eating, food cravings and aversions, and limiting beliefs. A regular contributor to health magazines including New Vegetarian and Natural Health and True Natural Health, Robyn has also appeared on Sydney’s Channel 10 Breakfast Show (watch the video) and holds public lectures on vegan nutrition in Sydney, Australia (join her mailing list to be notified of upcoming events). Robyn lives with her wonderful husband, 2 children, 1 dog and 2 guinea pigs in Sydney, Australia. She works with her international clientele through both in-person private sessions, via Skype, and through internet-based self-study programs. To learn more about Robyn’s approach, download her free report ‘The 5 Myths That Stop You From Being Healthy’ at www.empowertotalhealth.com.
Ashwani Garg, MD. I am a family physician in Hoffman Estates, Illinois (northwest suburb of Chicago) and have been following  a 100%plant-based diet inspired by "Forks over Knives" and PCRM. I did my medical school at Northwestern University and residency in Family Practice at Adventist Hinsdale Hospital. While practicing family medicine, I also advocate for a plant-based diet for all patients, along with lifestyle changes incorporating mindfulness and exercise. Appointments are available at 847-994-5001.
~ ~ ~
 If you would like to be added to this compilation, send an email to:
 veganpoet(at sign)hotmail.com
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Proverbs 17:22 King James Bible
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
Proverbs 17:22 English Revised Version
A merry heart is a good medicine: but a broken spirit drieth up the bones.
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