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主題: Victory!重大的動物人權勝利 Kikkoman End
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 230400 篇
發 表 日 期: 2015/11/25 10:43:33
閱 讀 次 數: 875
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Victory! Kikkoman Ends Animal Tests | PETA UK
Victory! Kikkoman Ends Animal Tests
Posted by Anne 7 days ago | Permalink | Comments (5)
The soy sauce company has changed its policy after reports
of horrific animal tests sparked outrage around the world.
Animal testing victory
Animals dying for soy sauce? When reports emerged that
well-known soy sauce brand Kikkoman had been attempting
to back up health claims by conducting sick experiments in
which animals were force-fed soy sauce, were blasted with
radiation, had muscles removed or were decapitated,
customers all over the world understandably reacted with horror.
Campaigns by PETA and our international affiliates
flooded the company with more than 100,000 emails,
as well as phone calls, tweets and comments on its Facebook pages.
And these compassionate messages got through to Kikkoman!
This week, the company announced a new policy in a
statement on its website:
Now, Kikkoman is committed to non-animal approaches to
test the safety of our products when we use biological methods.
Kikkoman is introducing and developing non-animal testing
methods, and conducts no animal testing across any of its product lines.
This change in direction ends 15 years of cruel animal tests
conducted by Kikkoman. Thank you to everyone who took
part in the campaign and helped achieve this victory for animals!
Here are some more ways to speak out for animals used in
Help Close Down Europe’s Largest Monkey Testing Laboratory
Ask Air France to Stop Shipping Monkeys to Their Deaths
Tell the EU to Ban Animal Testing for Household Products
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anita culling commented on November 22, 2015 at 10:27 am
Thank you for all the companies and people who have listened
to the world and stopped cruelty to animals and are changing
things. for those who still abuse and cause animal suffering
please make the changes and have a conscience and a heart.
Tony Day commented on November 22, 2015 at 7:00 pm
No Kikkoman product has been purchased by my family and
some of our friends since I read, and showed the horrific report
by PeTAUK. I hope that in a few months time there will be a
follow-up report from PeTAUK confirming Kikkoman has kept
their promise. When I read that then Kikkoman products will
be back on our shopping list.
Edward Battensby commented on November 22, 2015 at 7:04 pm
I am very pleased to hear about the victory over Kikkoman,
but my head is still whirling trying to fathom out how a soy
sauce company needed to do horrific experiments on animals
in the first place. What the
heck has gone wrong with the world? Have they all home mad?
Lisa commented on November 23, 2015 at 1:06 am
THANK-YOU Kikkoman!!!! You have made a VERY compassionate,
merciful, thoughtful decision and have shown that you are a
responsible company that listens!

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