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主題: ^_^澳大利亞演員,衝浪者,環保主義者,Liam Hemsw
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 230387 篇
發 表 日 期: 2015/11/23 16:52:01
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外國素食名人^_^澳大利亞演員,衝浪者,環保主義者,Liam Hemsworth
利亞姆·海姆斯沃斯  Liam Hemsworth.的體重鍛煉>
利亞姆·海姆斯沃斯是澳大利亞演員。 身高191公分。  
生於: 1990 年 1 月 13 日(25 歲),澳大利亞墨爾本
>>熱愛衝浪。 13  健身名人轉變>>>
You are hereHome / Life / Entertainment
October 07, 2015
The actor, surfer, environmentalist, and hardcore
pullup-and-burpee addict sounds off on dating,
his transformational new diet, and what life will
bring with Katniss Everdeen in the rearview mirror.
Eric Ray Davidson
The "Hunger Games" star sticks to four bodyweight exercises.
Three experts weigh in on how to rack up 100.
For the full NOVEMBER 2015 issue of Men’s Fitness,
download the app >>>
It's a rare day off at home for Liam Hemsworth.
The 25-year-old star of The Hunger Games franchise—which
wraps up its four-year, $2 billion run with the fourth and final
installment, Mockingjay—Part 2, this month—is certainly
keeping himself busy as he preps for life once the saga of
Katniss Everdeen and Gale Hawthorne is behind him. In
September he played a ripped young athlete who beds
Oscar-winner Kate Winslet in the
drama The Dressmaker, and he’s just laced up Will Smith’s
old alien-ass-kicking shoes for next year’s Independence
Day: Resurgence, the sequel to the 1996 end-of-world blockbuster.
But today? Today is about relaxation. In fact, it’s so chill
that Hemsworth, a lifelong surfer raised among the towering
swells of Australia, is currently resisting the waves of his
beloved Malibu beaches, which lie just a five-iron down the road
from his home. So we weren’t surprised when he told us he
wasn’t hitting the weights today. What did come as a surprise,
though, is that this very ripped dude says he never hits the
weights. He also says he’s gone vegan—and, in the process,
has persuaded his meat-loving superhero big brother, Chris, to
eat more veggies. He also speaks openly about his own hardcore
fitness routine (the guy’s a pullup machine), his high-profile
ex-fiancee (Miley Cyrus), and the new love of his life (Miss Piggy).
Oh, wait—did we mention the part about LSD?
Maybe it’s a good thing Liam Hemsworth doesn’t have days off very often.
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MF: You’re a carnivore who recently adopted a vegan diet.
What ultimately made you decide to do that?
LH: My own health, and after all the information I gathered
about the mistreatment of animals, I couldn’t continue to eat
meat. The more I was aware of, the harder and harder it was
to do. About six months ago I went and saw a nutritionist to
do a blood-diet analysis. He basically told me, based on my
blood type and all the other different little tests they do,
that red meat was good for me, and I should eat a lot more
red meat and various other foods.
So I started doing that, and the more red meat I ate, the worse
I felt. At the same time, I have a lot of friends who are vegan.
[Hunger Games co-star] Woody Harrelson was actually one of the
original reasons I became vegan, because he’s been vegan for,
I don’t know, 30 years or something. So, with the facts I was
gathering, and then just how I was physically feeling, I felt
like I had to do something different, so I adopted this vegan-diet
lifestyle. It’s been almost five months now.
It seems to be working for you.
I constantly get questions like, “How do you get your protein?”
and “How do you feel?” And most of the people who ask you this
are not healthy people. It always makes me so confused,
because I’m like, “What are you eating? Whatever you’re
eating, it’s not right…” But there are no negatives to eating
like this. I feel nothing but positive, mentally and physically.
I love it. I feel like it also has a kind of a domino effect on
the rest of my life.
Should You Go Vegan Before 6? >>>
Do you get crap from your superhero brother for skipping
the steak at the family barbecue?
Chris is obviously extremely healthy and has played Thor and
has had to work out a lot over the past few years. But he
has a lot of digestive issues, and he’s constantly trying
to figure out what’s best for his system. Through talking
to me, he’s somewhat adapting, I think, to eating more
vegetables and more plant-based stuff. 
Do you ever still get cravings for things? Like In-N-Out
Burger or fried foods?
No, and you know what? I honestly thought I would. I
never get cravings for meat. The less I eat meat, the harder
it is to imagine eating it. I get cravings for cheese, though.
Every time I’d go to New York, one of my favorite things
to do was to go and eat a bunch of pizza. I’ve had cheese
pizza, like, once in the past four months. It was in New
York, and it was in the first few weeks of being vegan.
I was with some friends, and we’d had a couple of beers—you
walk around and there’s pizza everywhere, and it’s like,
“Ah, God, I’ve gotta have a slice!”
Get the digital edition of the November 2015 issue now >>>
You have a new rescue dog. How’s she treating you?
She’s awesome. I got her about a year ago. She’s the
perfect dog. I’m a big advocate of pet rescue. Especially
in California. If you’re going to get a dog, get a rescue.
How are your dog-naming abilities?
This one’s called Tani. And when I first named her, I went
up to one of my friend’s houses, and the first thing she
said was, “Oh, cool, what’d you name her?” I’m like, “Tani.”
She’s like, “Ah, is she a stripper?” And I said, “What do you
mean? I’ve never heard of a stripper named Tani!” Have you
ever met a stripper named Tani?
I can’t say I have! When you last spoke with Men’s Fitness,
you said you didn’t lift weights—you had a sort of “the world
is my gym” workout philosophy. But it looks like some weight
s may have made their way into your life at some point since
then. Like, in The Dressmaker, you’re pretty jacked.
In all honesty, I rarely do weight work. I don’t bench-press
or anything like that. And especially over the past five months
of being vegan, all my stuff is really high-intensity body-weight
workouts like burpees and pushups and pullups and dips.
I do a lot of pullups every day, and that’s where I get a lot
of my strength from. And then burpees. Burpees are good for
burning fat and really getting your heart rate up. You do
20 minutes or something of burpees, pushups, pullups, and
dips, and that’s your whole body. 
Liam Hemsworth's Bodyweight Workout >>>
Do you still box?
I haven’t for a while. I broke my arm earlier this year, which
hasn’t caused me too many problems, but I stopped boxing
because of that and haven’t really picked it back up. I’ve just
been doing more of those body-weight workouts. But boxing’s
one of the best workouts you can do. When you’re consistently
boxing—I don’t mean fighting, but just doing the training—you
mentally feel so strong and good. 
Weekend One-Up: 100 Brutal Burpees >>>
You’re passionate about surfing. How does surfing in L.A.
compare with surfing back home?
I grew up surfing and surfed competitively until I was 18.
Surfing’s my favorite thing to do in the world. I’d rather do
that than anything. If I could travel around the world and
surf for a living, I would. The surf in L.A. can be really good,
though most of the time here in California the swell is pretty
small and it’s supercrowded because so many people surf. It
constantly blows my mind when I turn up at the beach and,
you know, there’s a two-foot surf and about a million people
out there. That just wouldn’t happen where I grew up. We
always had consistent swells, but about one-seventieth the
The Hunger Games chapter of your life is coming to a close
this month with Mockingjay—Part 2. Given all the press you’ve
done and the exposure you’ve had through it—a period that
includes your split with Miley Cyrus [in 2013]—do you ever
look back on some of your decisions and some of the things
you’ve said, and cringe?
Oh, definitely. Nothing specifically, but yes. When you get
thrown into this industry at a young age, you’re gonna say
some stupid shit. Absolutely. It’s impossible not to. Everyone
does it. But you learn from it, and you learn from it quickly.
You become a lot more mindful of what you say and how
you say it.
A couple of years ago you were still taking a lot of questions
about being engaged to Miley. Right now, your life and your
approach to celebrity couldn’t seem further from hers. Does
it feel like you’ve dodged a bullet at this point?
You fall in love with who you fall in love with; you can never
choose. I guess some people just come with a little more
baggage. [Laughs.] I mean, look—we were together five years,
so I don’t think those feelings will ever change. And that’s
good because that proves to me that it was real. It wasn’t
just a fling. It really was an important part of my life and
always will be. She’s a free spirit. I think she’ll always
surprise people with what she does, but she’s not a malicious
person in any way. She’s a young girl who wants to do
what she wants to do.
Back to The Hunger Games. By the third movie in the franchise,
last year’s Mockingjay—Part 1, it was clear your role as Gale
was getting much bigger. How does that carry into the last
The movies are always played through the eyes of Katniss
[Jennifer Lawrence]. But this last one is more of an ensemble,
I would say. There’s this squad that gets sent into the
Capitol—which is me, Jennifer, Josh [Hutcherson], and then
a few other people—and most of the film is centered around
us. I’d say it’s the most fast-paced and action-packed film
out of all of them. It feels like you’re in the middle of a
battle the whole time. Part 1 was more talking about what
was going to happen. Now it feels like you’re in the middle
of the battle the whole time. It’s really fun.
13 Extreme Celebrity Fitness Transformations >>>
What can we expect from Independence Day: Resurgence?
Hopefully, a really great film. I had the opportunity to work
with Roland Emmerich [Independence Day, The Patriot, White
House Down]—I’ve been a fan of his since the first one.
He kind of pioneered this world-ending genre. I also got to
work with Jeff [Goldblum], and it was a lot of fun. It’s that
sort of moment, your first step on set, and you’re looking
at spaceships and things like that. I look back to when I was
6 or 7 years old and watching Independence Day on VHS,
and now we’re doing a second one—it’s really crazy.
Is there one role so far that you’re most proud of?
I recently did an episode on The Muppets! I could honestly
say that that might be my favorite of all the jobs I’ve done.
I want to go back and just shoot The Muppets the rest of my
life. It was such a trip. It was just so funny to be staring at
puppets and seriously talking to them. They don’t break
character during a take. Like, if they mess up a line, they’ll
just keep going in character. I’m not buying the fact that
they’re Muppets. I’m seriously talking to them like they’re
people. And the whole time I was really trying not to laugh,
because it was just so hilarious. 
I enjoyed your Instagram post announcing your dalliance
with Miss Piggy. 
Yeah, it’s a great chance to show a different side of me.
I’m really not a serious guy. I feel like I’m a pretty positive
influence on a lot of people in my life, and I try to be healthy
and try to help the world as much as I can. I’m a complete
goofball—I’m not at all a cool guy. My brothers used to call
me “Diplodocus,” which is a large dinosaur. A large
slow-moving dinosaur. 
This summer you drew some negative attention when it looked
like you got angry at a reporter on the Comic-Con red carpet
for calling you by your brother Chris’ name. What happened?
I was not even the slightest bit angry about that! It’s happened
before, and it doesn’t even make me mad. All I was saying
was, “Did you call me Chris?” Because you even watch the clip
online and it sounds like he says, “Hey, Chris,” and he said,
“Hey, I’m Chris.” I wasn’t angry. But whatever site picked it
up made such a big deal about it. That was really upsetting,
because I really wasn’t angry, and they made me seem like
I’d blown up at this reporter, which I really hadn’t. I just
thought he’d called me Chris, which has happened before.
I might have had a slightly angry look on my face, but that’s
just my face sometimes. 
Is dating or even just trying to take someone on a date pretty
difficult at this stage in your career?
Yeah, dating’s really difficult. I’m constantly traveling, and I
don’t go out to clubs or anything like that. I have a great
small group of friends in my life, but I barely ever meet
anyone new. It’s tough to have a relationship in this industry,
though not to the point where it makes me depressed.
I’m constantly working, and I love working. I don’t feel like
I’m missing out on anything at this point—I feel like I’m
focusing on the right things and prioritizing things in the
right way, and I’m a healthy, happy person.
During an interview earlier this year, you surprised your
publicist by pulling out a guitar and being able to play it.
Any other hidden talents we don’t know about? 
I do a lot of painting. That’s how I spend a lot of my downtime,
painting. I always loved art in high school; it’s like doing
meditation or something. You just let yourself go for a while
and focus on the moment at hand, and you can stop
worrying about everything in your life. I also think that
the more you stare at different color combinations, the
more it makes you think differently in the rest of your
life. Like, if you’re driving around and you see certain
colors mixed together, you’re like, “Ah, that’s cool.
Maybe I’ll try that!”
I guess that’s why people like doing acid. 
I was about to say, “Maybe I’ll do some acid next time,
then see how the colors mix up!”
Download the November 2015 issue here >>>

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