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主題: 這8國家減少動物產品的消費顯著!
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 230221 篇
發 表 日 期: 2015/10/26 13:11:38
閱 讀 次 數: 923
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恆定短評:以下的中文是谷歌機器人幫忙翻譯的  ,自從發大願  規勸全球素食化後~拜託    人人齋戒 祈福地球母親會健康忙到義工  連早中餐都沒空吃~晚上  忙到半夜 忽然醒著  想起 了許多往事浮上心頭後學好像也當過素易的種子小師資,反正我是從小就吃素的,勸了全家人還不夠現在想要道德勸說 全天下,普天之下都是兄弟姊妹希 祈  大願竟成文教世家的學界教育意味著一棵樹搖動另一棵樹,一朵雲推動另一朵雲,一個靈魂喚醒另一個靈魂。自從當了保母後,許多家長和孩子就像兩顆彼此分離又相互靠近的大樹和小樹,大樹要為小樹遮擋風沙,也要給小樹留下足夠的空間,感受陽光,呼吸空氣。這樣小樹才能在屬於自己的空間裡自由伸展,茁壯成長。太靠近大樹的小樹是不能長成參天大樹的,吃長素要更堅強和堅定以對抗與論的留言和毀謗與別人指正。每一個小孩都是素易的小種子,成長的路上雖然會有跌跌撞撞。請多耐心的等待吧,小種子一定能長成參天大樹變成國家的棟樑中 !所以懇請多 原諒  海涵後學 的   中文語法錯誤...

8 Nations Going Vegetarian, Proving To The World Less Is More
Environment · Health · Health Food · News
August 22, 2015 by Amanda Froelich
 These countries have decreased their consumption of animal products dramatically!
blueberries-864628_1280Did you know? In 2010, the United Nations released a report urging the world to adopt a predominantly plant-based diet, for its environmental and health implications. Since the turn of the century, interest in vegan and vegetarian diets has dramatically increased!
In fact, a number of nations are making headlines with their sustainable commitments, some of the most notable ones listed below.
According to an article in the New Zealand Herald, the increase is fueled by a motivation to help prevent disease, environmental degradation, and animal suffering on factory farms.
Explains the author:
“A decade ago, the vegan diet was considered whacky, if not plain risky. Vegans were seen as un-fun characters who lived on dandelion tea and brown rice. Now, eating vegan is seriously cool.” 
Following are eight other countries ditching meat and lessening their carbon footprint by embracing a delicious, plant-based lifestyle:
1) Spain 
As shared by this article published last year in The Guardian, there is a growing population of vegetarians and vegans in the country of Spain:
“Spanish people have a reputation as diehard meat eaters. But in recent years, as the number of vegan or vegetarian restaurants in Spain has doubled, there are signs of change.” The author continues, “The idea that we should, at the very least, eat less meat is increasingly common in Spain, as in many other parts of Europe.” 
2) The United Kingdom
The UK is quickly following in the footsteps of the United States health-wise, which is why news of one in eight British adults now following a vegetarian or vegan diet is positive news.
Interestingly, 12% of the population now identifies as ‘vegetarian’ or ‘vegan’, but that percentage jumps to 20% for people between the ages of 16 and 24. That’s not all: millions more in the UK are “flexitarians,” meaning they have cut back on their meat consumption dramatically, but still consume it now and again.
3) Sweden 
Not only has the nation run out of garbage and is importing trash from neighboring countries to burn for fuel, its government is contemplating a “meat tax.” You can learn more about that here.
That said, it should as no surprise, then, that nearly 10% of the country now identifies as vegetarian or vegan – and the millennial generation is leading the way.
Animal Rights Sweden conducted a poll and learned that in the past five years, the number of vegetarians in the country has increased by 4%!
4) Israel
An article published by JSpaceNews last year showcases the growing vegan population in Israel. It is estimated that at the time of publication, there were nearly 300,000 vegans in the tiny country – making up 4% of its total population.
According to the author: “That makes Israel the vegan capital of the world, with more people per capita eschewing all animal products in their diet than any other nation.”
Credit: BloomforLife.org
Credit: BloomforLife.org
5) India
This largely vegetarian country became even more veg-friendly last year! As the Mercy for Animals blog relays, last year, the Indian city Palitana became the first all-vegetarian city in the world.
Monks in this country spurred this revolutionary change by going on a hunger strike to pressure the state of Gujarat to outlaw animal slaughter in their city. Their efforts proved to be successful, and shortly after, the government imposed a ban on animal slaughter and outlawed the sale of meat and eggs.
6) Germany
It may seem shocking that the nation renowned for Bratwurst is now home to over 7 million vegetarians, but the demand for plant-based products is only increasing.
Even the nation’s 200-year-old Oktoberfest, a meat-laden annual German beer festival, has started serving delicious vegan versions of traditional favorites to satiate attendees’ appetites.
In addition, the owner of Veganz, an all-vegan supermarket chain based in Germany, has ambitious plans of opening 60 more stores by the year 2020, due to popular demand!
7) Canada
According to results from a survey of Canadian food consumption for 2013, citizens in this nation have decreased their meat consumption by almost 10%(!) since the year 2011. A general decrease was noted across all meat categories, but the most noteworthy decline was seen in pork consumption, with a decrease of 4.5%.
Not only that, last year The Huffington Post Canada highlighted Canada’s growing trend away from the consumption of milk. It seems consumption of dairy products has dropped 25% as more nutritious, humane and dairy-free alternatives (like soy and almond milk) have become available.
8) The United States
The country is doing something right in its quest to curb skyrocketing diseases of affluence (like Diabetes, Cancer, and heart disease) by reducing its consumption of animal products. Google even recently tried to buy-out a Vegan ‘cheeseburger’ company in the States.
Other private investors are putting millions into vegan food start-ups, like Bill Gates who is an die hard fan of Beyond Meat, and Hampton Creek Foods, which garnered the attention of Asia’s richest businessman, Li Ka-Shing, along with a $23 million investment.
That’s not all: global market research company Mintel recently discovered that 36% of Americans purchase meat alternatives every once in a while. (Perhaps for Meatless Mondays?)
Consuming more plant-based foods is one of the best things you can do for the environment and your health. And guess what? It doesn’t have to be disgusting, boring, or hard. TrueActivist has already shared some healthy inspiration, such as “5 Best Ways To Eat More Bananas,” and the “Top 7 Vegan Sources of Protein.”
It’s easier than ever to get started today and start living a vibrant, eco-friendly lifestyle. Share this article and comment your thoughts below.
This article (8 Nations Going Vegetarian, Proving To The World Less Is More ) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TrueActivist.com
藍莓,864628_1280Did你知道嗎? 2010年,聯合國公佈了一份報告,敦促世界各國採取主要以植物為基礎的飲食,
這就是說,它應該是毫不奇怪,那麼,近10%的地區,現在確定為素食者 - 和新千年一代則是開路先鋒。
通過JSpaceNews去年發表的一篇文章展示了不斷增長的人口的素食主義者在以色列。據估計,在出版時,有近30萬素食主義者在這個小國 - 構成了總人口的4%。
其他私人投資者正在把數以百萬計成純素食品初創公司,比如比爾·蓋茨是誰超越肉類的死忠粉絲,和漢普頓河食品,其中囊括了亞洲最富有的商人,李嘉誠的注意,再加上$ 23日萬美元投資。
這還不是全部:全球市場調查公司Mintel的最近發現,美國人36%的同時,每購買一次肉的替代品。 (也許對於無肉星期一?)
消耗更多的植物性食物是你能為環境與健康做的最好的事情之一。你猜怎麼著?它不必是噁心,無聊或硬盤。 TrueActivist已經分享了一些健康的靈感,如“5最好的方式多吃香蕉,”和“蛋白質的前7素食來源。”

8 Nations Going Vegetarian, Proving To The World Less Is MoreEnvironment · Health ·

Health Food · News
August 22, 2015 by Amanda Froelich
 These countries have decreased their consumption of animal products dramatically!
blueberries-864628_1280Did you know? In 2010, the United Nations released a report urging

the world to adopt a predominantly plant-based diet, for its environmental and health implications.

Since the turn of the century,

interest in vegan and vegetarian diets has dramatically increased!
In fact, a number of nations are making headlines with their sustainable commitments, some

of the most notable ones listed below.
According to an article in the New Zealand Herald, the increase is fueled by a motivation

to help prevent disease, environmental degradation, and animal suffering on factory farms.
Explains the author:
“A decade ago, the vegan diet was considered whacky, if not plain risky.

Vegans were seen as un-fun characters who lived on dandelion tea and brown rice. Now,

eating vegan is seriously cool.” 

Following are eight other countries ditching meat and lessening their carbon footprint

by embracing a delicious, plant-based lifestyle:

 1) Spain As shared by this article published last year in The Guardian,

there is a growing population of vegetarians and vegans in the country of Spain:
“Spanish people have a reputation as diehard meat eaters. But in recent years, as the number

of vegan or vegetarian restaurants in Spain has doubled, there are signs of change.” The author continues, “

The idea that we should, at the very least, eat less meat is increasingly common in Spain, as in

many other parts of Europe.”

 2) The United KingdomThe UK is quickly following in the footsteps of the United States health-wise,

which is why news of one in eight British adults now following a vegetarian or vegan diet is positive news.
Interestingly, 12% of the population now identifies as ‘vegetarian’ or ‘vegan’,

but that percentage jumps to 20% for people between the ages of 16 and 24. That’s not all:

millions more in the UK are “flexitarians,”

meaning they have cut back on their meat consumption dramatically, but still consume it now and again.
3) Sweden Not only has the nation run out of garbage and is importing trash

from neighboring countries to burn for fuel, its government is contemplating a “meat tax.”

You can learn more about that here.
That said, it should as no surprise, then, that nearly 10% of the country now identifies

as vegetarian or vegan – and the millennial generation is leading the way.
Animal Rights Sweden conducted a poll and learned that in the past five years,

the number of vegetarians in the country has increased by 4%!
4) IsraelAn article published by JSpaceNews last year showcases the growing vegan

population in Israel. It is estimated that at the time of publication,

there were nearly 300,000 vegans in the tiny country – making up 4% of its total population.
According to the author: “That makes Israel the vegan capital of the world,

with more people per capita eschewing all animal products in their diet than any other nation.”
Credit: BloomforLife.orgCredit: BloomforLife.org
 5) IndiaThis largely vegetarian country became even more veg-friendly last year!

As the Mercy for Animals blog relays, last year, the Indian city Palitana became

the first all-vegetarian city in the world.
Monks in this country spurred this revolutionary change by going on a hunger strike to

pressure the state of Gujarat to outlaw animal slaughter in their city. Their efforts proved

to be successful, and shortly after,

the government imposed a ban on animal slaughter and outlawed the sale of meat and eggs.
6) GermanyIt may seem shocking that the nation renowned for Bratwurst is now home to over 7

million vegetarians, but the demand for plant-based products is only increasing.
Even the nation’s 200-year-old Oktoberfest, a meat-laden annual German beer festival,

has started serving delicious vegan versions of traditional favorites to satiate attendees’ appetites.
In addition, the owner of Veganz, an all-vegan supermarket chain based in Germany,

has ambitious plans of opening 60 more stores by the year 2020, due to popular demand!
7) CanadaAccording to results from a survey of Canadian food consumption for 2013, citizens

in this nation have decreased their meat consumption by almost 10%(!) since the year 2011.

A general decrease was noted

across all meat categories, but the most noteworthy decline was seen in pork consumption,

with a decrease of 4.5%.
Not only that, last year The Huffington Post Canada highlighted Canada’s growing trend away

from the consumption of milk. It seems consumption of dairy products has dropped 25% as

more nutritious, humane and

dairy-free alternatives (like soy and almond milk) have become available.
8) The United StatesThe country is doing something right in its quest to curb skyrocketing diseases

of affluence (like Diabetes, Cancer, and heart disease) by reducing its consumption of animal products.

Google even recently

tried to buy-out a Vegan ‘cheeseburger’ company in the States.
Other private investors are putting millions into vegan food start-ups, like Bill Gates who is

an die hard fan of Beyond Meat, and Hampton Creek Foods, which garnered the attention of Asia’

s richest businessman,

Li Ka-Shing, along with a $23 million investment.
That’s not all:

global market research company Mintel recently discovered that 36% of Americans

purchase meat alternatives every once in a while. (Perhaps for Meatless Mondays?)

 Consuming more plant-based foods is one of the best things you can do for the environment and

your health. And guess what? It doesn’t have to be disgusting, boring, or hard.

TrueActivist has already shared some healthy inspiration, such as “

5 Best Ways To Eat More Bananas,” and the “Top 7 Vegan Sources of Protein.”
It’s easier than ever to get started today and start living a vibrant, eco-friendly lifestyle.

Share this article and comment your thoughts below.
This article

(8 Nations Going Vegetarian, Proving To The World Less Is More ) is free and open source.

You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution

to the author and TrueActivist.com

藍莓, 你知道嗎? 2010年,聯合國公佈了一份報告,敦促世界各國採取主要以植物為基礎的飲食,












這就是說,它應該是毫不奇怪,那麼,近10%的地區,現在確定為素食者 - 和新千年一代則是開路先鋒。

據估計,在出版時,有近30萬素食主義者在這個小國 - 構成了總人口的4%。

人均避開所有動物產品在他們的飲食比其他任何國家更多的人。” ?













和漢普頓河食品,其中囊括了亞洲最富有的商人,李嘉誠的注意,再加上$ 23日萬美元投資。



無聊或硬盤。 TrueActivist已經分享了一些健康的靈感,如“5最好的方式多吃香蕉,”和“蛋白質的前7素食來源。”



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美國創作男歌手Jason Mraz是崇尚生食的素食者。 (作者:做個素食英雄吧)
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