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討論區/名人與素食 文章

主題: 明星凱特·瑪拉促進週一無肉日
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 229329 篇
發 表 日 期: 2015/03/14 6:50:13
閱 讀 次 數: 1006
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恆定~~感恩美好的周末  好消息越來越多了^_^
"House of Cards" Star Kate Mara Promotes Meatless Monday 
 Kate Rooney Mara (born February 27, 1983) is an American actress. 
Kate Mara, actress in Netflix's hit show "House of Cards" supports Meatless Monday!
The Humane Society of the United States advocates compassionate eating or the 
Three Rs: "reducing" or "replacing" consumption of animal products, and "refining" 
our diets by choosing products from sources that adhere to higher animal welfare 
Vegan actress Kate Mara shared in a PSA for the Humane Society of the United States, 
"When we sit down to eat, we have a choice. By choosing meat-free meals, we’re 
saying yes to better health, yes to a better environment, and yes to a better treatment of animals.”
She had previously stated, "I’m a massive animal lover too. Being vegan has been
 so good for me. I’ve never felt better."
Check out her PSA: http://youtu.be/pvtoimAyCog

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寶萊塢巨星演員阿米爾汗,已經變成素食主義者。 (作者:做個素食英雄吧)
有Guts的去做對的事 (作者:mcgillwu)


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