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主題: 天使之城洛杉磯現在 60素食餐廳!
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 229313 篇
發 表 日 期: 2015/03/12 7:22:01
閱 讀 次 數: 865
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Los Angeles Now Home to 60 Vegan Restaurants!
天使之城洛杉磯現在  60素食餐廳!
by Ari Solomon - Jan 30, 2015
Is LA the vegan capital of the world? According to a new article in the Los Angeles Times,
it just might be.
Journalist Mary MacVean, who joined thousands around the world in eating vegan the month
of January, discovered that the City of Angels is home to 60 vegan eateries, from cafés to fancy,
special-occasion restaurants. Even LAX, the city’s international airport, has a vegan hotspot!
And it doesn’t stop there; many restaurants that serve meat also offer a slew of vegan options.
Real Food Daily at LAX
According to MacVean, “There’s no need to be stuck in a burger cafe ordering the bun and
condiments. There are plenty of naturally vegan dishes on menus these days; many chefs are
having a field day using vegetables in creative ways.”
West Hollywood's Gracias Madre
MacVean features celebrated LA-based vegan chefs Matthew Kenney and Tal Ronnen, who
head up the incredible restaurants M.A.K.E. and Crossroads, respectively. Kenney believes
the rise in vegan eating has to do with people’s desire to eat more consciously.
Crossroads Kitchen
But even if you don’t live in LA, vegan options at restaurants across the nation abound!
Check out this awesome short video highlighting delicious vegan options at some of the
country’s most popular fast-food establishments.
Fast Food Vegan Style

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