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主題: 純素演員Betty White 以素糕慶祝她93歲華誕
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 229189 篇
發 表 日 期: 2015/02/10 14:10:23
閱 讀 次 數: 1022
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純素演員Betty White 以素糕慶祝她93歲華誕
Betty White was treated to a surprise flash mob and vegan cake for her 93rd birthday.
Betty White Celebrates 93rd Birthday With Vegan Cake
Animal lover and everyone’s favorite “Golden Girl”
Betty White celebrated her 93rd birthday in style this week complete with a
flash mob and vegan cake.
As the “Hot in Cleveland” star was driven up to set, she was treated to a surprise
flash mob to celebrate her special day, which included hula dancers and her co-
stars Jane Leeves, Wendie Malick and Valerie Bertinelli.
“Everyday on set, Betty is greeted by her assistant with a hula – today’
s hula dance was a very special surprise in honor of her 93rd birthday!” TVLand’s caption 
read with the accompanying video of the event.
The surprise nearly brought White to tears.
“At 93, you shouldn’t be doing this,” White joked as she hugged her friends.
That same day the vegan nonagenerian was treated to a vegan cake (of course) after
her day of shooting “Hot in Cleveland,” which is in its sixth and final season.
“#BestDayEver!” Bertinelli tweeted after the celebrations Friday afternoon. “
We flash mobbed Betty for her birthday! Happy Birthday Betty White!”
The dancing was a far cry from White’s birthday in 2013. For her 91st birthday,
a boa constrictor named Jacob was adopted in her honour. It was a perfect gift for the 
dedicated animal advocate who once adopted a crocodile to celebrate Elton John‘s birthday.
Although there wasn’t any word of animals being adopted this year, the flash 
mob looked so fun, and we’re sure the vegan cake was delicious. Happy birthday, Betty!
Watch Betty’s birthday flash mob here:
Via Today.com

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