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主題: 美國機場蔬食指南*^O^* 歡迎分享!
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 228859 篇
發 表 日 期: 2014/12/11 0:52:40
閱 讀 次 數: 989
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美國機場蔬食指南*^O^* 歡迎分享! 

Looking to stay healthy when you travel this holiday season?
 Check out our guide to healthful food choices at the busiest U.S. airports!
2014 Airport Travel Guide
A Dietitian’s Guide to Eating Healthfully on the Fly!
Are you traveling to the airport and need to grab a bite to eat? Here are physician-approved customizable entrées at diners, cafés, chain restaurants, sports bars, and upscale restaurants at 23 of the nation’s busiest airports. The good news is 75 percent of all airport eateries now offer at least one fiber-packed, cholesterol-free meal.
The majority of airport restaurants listed below can tailor meals to fit your dietary needs, whether it’s a low-glycemic vegan vegetable wrap or a gluten-free dish. Ask the restaurant to hold the cheese, steam the vegetables, and swap vinegar or a light vinaigrette dressing for heavier versions.
Note: Many airport restaurants and chains offer healthful meals but may not be included in the travel guide below due to space limitations. Restaurants change frequently.
Data is current as of Dec. 5, 2014.
This site does not provide medical or legal advice.
This Web site is for informational purposes only.
The Physicians Committee 
5100 Wisconsin Ave., N.W., Ste.400, Washington DC, 20016
Phone: 202-686-2210     Email: pcrm@pcrm.org


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