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主題: 改變美國:學校全素午餐
作者: ahung
文 章 編 號: 第 207435 篇
發 表 日 期: 2009/01/10 3:47:56
閱 讀 次 數: 1021
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回應此篇的文章: 207726
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An email got Today, I signed up and voted; FYI, thanks - 

Dear all ,
過年前在大家努力下, 投票資格已進入最後一輪決賽, 以下請大家繼續努力!!
輸入大名跟Email, 它會寄一封確認信, 點選進去就可看到剛剛發表的評論,
再按左上方咖啡色的 vote(投票)
呼籲奧巴馬政府推行素食遏止全球暖化政策 .

We're happy to let you know that the final round of voting for the Ideas for Change in America competition begins today, and an idea you voted for Vegan school lunch options qualified for the final round!
Voting has been reset to zero for the final round, so this idea needs your vote again. To vote, click on the following link:
You can further help support this idea by forwarding this link to friends, or posting it on your blog, Twitter account, or Facebook profile if you have one 
您可以將此鏈結轉發給朋友; 或張貼在你的博客和Twitter帳戶上,或者Facebook的文檔資料,以便進一步幫助支援這一提案。  
The final round of voting ends on January 15, and the following day we are co-hosting an event at the National Press Club with the Case Foundation to announce the top 10 rated ideas and present them to the Obama administration. We will then launch a national campaign in coordination with our nonprofit partners to ensure that each idea gets the full consideration of the administration and 111th Congress
最後一輪投票將於115結束, 第二天我們將與提案基金會在國家新聞出版俱樂部共同主辦一個活動來宣佈前10名的提案,並把這些提案提交給奧巴馬總統顧問委員會。繼而,我們將與我們的非營利性的合作夥伴共同發起一場全國性運動,以確保每個提案得到總統顧問委員會和第111屆國會的充分研究和考量。
To select your "Top 10 Ideas for America," go to www.change.org/ideas today.
We look forward to seeing you on the site!
The Change.org Team
投票選擇"美國十大提案" 請今天去www.change.org/ideas我們期待著你的到來

※此文原作者於2009/01/11 9:01:06修改過。

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