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討論區/愛情與友誼 文章

主題: Re:又有人分手了
作者: 小Leo+不老婆婆
文 章 編 號: 第 206077 篇
發 表 日 期: 2008/11/17 13:39:20
閱 讀 次 數: 1296
此篇文章 回應: 205998 (旅行的意義)
推文人氣: (0)

點音樂倉庫 --> 點西洋歌曲英漢對照 -->
英文歌詞是按照字母排列 (原唱Gerard Joling)  

Ticket to the tropics 到熱帶的機票

Here I'm sitting and it's getting cold
The morning rains against my window pane
While the world it look so cold and gray
In my mind I drift away
Then I'm on my way to tropic island
You'd always said I was a dreamer
You were right~
Gotta buy me a ticket to the tropics
Forget our love and leave this place behind me
Gotta buy me a ticket to the tropics
And prove myself that I can live without your love

Here I'm sitting in the midnight glade
Sun is shining on my face again
Think about the way it had to end
Now I'm sitting here alone
And it's not the way we were together
I want you to know I'm gonna miss you
Miss you bad~ (


※此文原作者於2008/11/17 13:51:38修改過。

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