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現在位置:討論區 / 動物保護 / Re:一人一封信 阻止韓國開放吃狗肉

討論區/動物保護 文章

主題: Re:一人一封信 阻止韓國開放吃狗肉
作者: vegan ted
文 章 編 號: 第 199607 篇
發 表 日 期: 2008/04/12 8:26:03
閱 讀 次 數: 1628
此篇文章 回應: 199506 (Yomi)
推文人氣: (1)

多一封給韓國總統的信, 供大家做草稿:


Subject: please reconsider legalization of dog meat

Dear Mr. President,

I have faith that your heart knows the inhumanity behind dog meat production and consumption. You have tremendous support from around the world for not legalizing dog meat, and your influence can prevent the slaughter of millions of lives. We look forward to a more compassionate and humane Korea under your leadership. I hope to see your warm-hearted decision in the news.

With best wishes and highest expectations for Korea,

_Name_, _Country_

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itchy【羅一極】寫得很好﹗謝謝分享。我有感受到您堅決護生和正向期許韓國的愛心。2008/04/12 9:27:18
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