綠藻Chlorella pyrenoidosa經過科學研究具有降血脂作用:
1.對於長期高脂肪飲食的老鼠,食用綠藻Chlorella pyrenoidosa可以抑制腸對日常膳食多餘脂質的吸收進而預防高血脂
Preventing dyslipidemia by Chlorella pyrenoidosa in rats and hamsters after chronic high fat diet treatment.
Life Sci. 2005 May 13;76(26):3001-13. Cherng JY, Shih MF.
PMID: 15850594
2.綠藻Chlorella pyrenoidosa熱水萃取物C.G.F.對於模擬停經後婦女的卵巢切除大鼠有降低體重及血中總膽固醇的功效。
A hot water extract of Chlorella pyrenoidosa reduces body weight and serum lipids in ovariectomized rats.
Phytother Res. 2004 Feb;18(2):164-8. Hidaka S, Okamoto Y, Arita M.
PMID: 15022171