DHA is a fatty acid which appears to be important for eye and brain development. It is found primarily in animal derived foods. However, babies can make DHA from another fatty acid called linolenic acid which is found in breast milk if the mother's diet includes good sources of linolenic acid (flaxseed oil, ground flaxseed, canola oil, soy oil).
DHA 是一種對眼睛和腦發展很重要的脂肪酸 主要在從動物食品中發現 然而 前題是如果餵食母乳的媽媽的飲食有包含足夠的亞麻油酸來源 ( 例: 亞麻仔油 亞麻仔粉 葵花油 大豆油) 那寶寶可以藉由媽媽的母奶中有的另一種脂肪酸叫做亞麻油酸來製造DHA
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)
DHA is a type of fat that is mainly found in fatty fish. It seems to be important in the development of the brain and the retina, a part of the eye. Some DHA can be made from another fat called linolenic acid that is found in flaxseed, flaxseed oil, canola oil, walnuts, and soybeans. Choosing these foods regularly and avoiding foods containing trans-fats that can interfere with DHA production, can help to enhance DHA production. Some women may opt to use a vegan DHA supplement produced from microalgae.
對腦部和視網膜的發展很重要 一些DHA可以從亞麻油酸中提練出來 我們可以從亞麻仔油 亞麻仔 葵花油 核桃 大豆 中可以找到亞麻油酸
經常食用這些食品會加強DHA的製造以及避免食用會妨礙DHA製造的轉換脂肪酸 一些女性或許選擇從微小海藻提練的嚴格素食DHA補充劑
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