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討論區/素食餐館 文章

主題: 加拿大溫哥華素食導覽第一期!呵呵
作者: Jamie Lin
文 章 編 號: 第 171616 篇
發 表 日 期: 2006/05/11 14:50:43
閱 讀 次 數: 3060
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Dharma Kitchen: 3667 West Broadway 604-738-3899.Vegan food and funky environment (全素)

Everybody Loves Veggies: 555 West 12th Avenue (City Square Mall Food Court) 604-873-4417. 在購物中心裡面的美食廣場(全素)

Radha Yoga & Eatery: 728 Main Street. 604-605-0011.Offers home-made vegetarian and vegan food, as well as yoga classes & community events. http://www.yasodhara.org/about_us.html 家庭式, 也有提供瑜珈課程 (全素)

The Foundation Lounge:2301 Main St (at 7th Ave/Kingsway) 604-708-0881.Best veggie burgers; Casual atmosphere, full liquor license. Open Evenings only start at 4 pm. 這家的漢堡很有名, 也是喝酒小酌的好去處(全素)

Habibi's:7-1128 W. Broadway,Vancouver, BC 604-732-7487. This is a local favorite and not only among vegetarians----because the food is so fresh, good and reasonably priced. 這家印度風的餐廳連吃葷的人也覺得讚哦 (全素)

The Naam: 2724 W 4th Ave. 604-738-7151. Nightly live music http://www.thenaam.com/naam/ It has the feel of a hippy hangout with plentiful, excellent food, and it's open 24 hours.嬉皮風, 24小時都開, 有時候晚上還有現場的音樂會(全素)

The Natural Garden:3432 Cambie Street 604-875-0233 http://www.naturalgardencanada.com/ Organic whole foods from a macrobiotic perspective. All dishes are free from meat, poultry, eggs, dairy and refined sugar.無奶無蛋無加工糖(有機,全素)

Cafe du Soleil: 1393 Commercial Drive 604-254-1145 (全素)

Central Bistro:1072 Denman Street, at Comox, Vancouver 604-689-4527 Web Site: http://www.centralbistro.com (全素)

Annapurna:1812 W. Fourth Ave.Vancouver, BC 604-736-5959. This cozy place has flavorful food and the most reasonably priced wine in town. 非常棒的印度餐廳哦 (全素)

Bo Kong 寶光素食:3068 Main Street 604-876-3088 (全素, 中國菜)

Yogi's Vegetarian Restaurant:1408 Commercial Dr. 604-251-9644 Live sitar music Monday & Tuesday. Has a selection of Punjabi vegetarian food.旁遮普式, 星期一二有現場音樂會(全素)

Bodhi Choi 菩提香:3932 Fraser St. 604-873-3848(全素, 中國菜)

Greens and Gourmet:2582 W Broadway (at upstairs) 604-737-7373 Mainly Vegan. Buffet-style. 這家我很喜歡,秤重自助式,菜色多

Wink:151 East 8th Ave @ Main - 604-676-8994(全素)

OM Vegetarian :3466 Cambie St. 6048736868 (全素,中國料理)

Sejuiced:1958 W4th Ave (at Maple St) 604-730-9906 有機沙拉,漢堡,湯,新鮮果汁等等(全素)

Sweet Cherubim Natural Food Stores and Restaurant: 1105 Commercial Dr (East Vancouver) 604-253-0969 有機, 也有麵包店和健康食品店, 現場音樂會 (全素)

Raw Health Cafe: 2676 West 4th Ave 604-737-0420 (全素)

Planet Veg:1941 Cornwall St. 604-734-1001 印度式 (全素)

Budgie's Burritos: 44 Kingsway 604-874-5408 墨西哥式(全素)

Cafe Deux Soleils: 2096 Commercial Dr 604-254-1195 週末有現場音樂演奏(全素)

Eternal Abundance:1025 Commercial Dr (at inside Eternal Abundance / East Vancouver)604-255-8690 有機食品, 湯和沙拉


Lumiere:2551 West Broadway (Larch St.), 604-875-0233 Relais Gourmand, Vancouver http://www.lumiere.ca/ 得獎的餐廳

Afro Canadian:324 Cambie Street, Vancouver, Tel: (604) 682-2646 A selection of vegetarian African 非洲式料理

Hon's Wun-Tun House 漢記:1339 Robson St 604-685-0871 http://www.shinnova.com/hons_on_robson (中國菜)

Rime:1130 Commercial Drive 604-215-1130, vegan & vegetarian-friendly http://www.rime.ca/ 也很有名!

India Bistro: An affordable way to satisfy your craving for genuine Indian food. 1157 Davie Street (604) 684-6342

DV8 Lounge:515 Davie Street 604-682-4388

The Green Room Cafe: 4328 Main Street 604-688-5565 Natural Foods Restaurant. Vegetarian and Vegan friendly.

Juicy Lucy's Good Eats Inc: 1420 Commercial Drive 604-254-6101. Has a good selection of vegetarian dishes. Soups, dal, Basmati Rice with Curry, salads, hummus & pita bread, Sunburger, potatoes with spices and veggie chili. Fresh juices.

Jewel of India: 52 Alexander Street, at Powell Street, one block east of Grassy Jack Statue in Gastown 604-687-5665 Exotic atmosphere. Has live sitar performances on weekend evenings.

Best Quality Sweets & Restaurant: 7260 Main Street, Vancouver, (604) 324-6677

Superior Tofu 頂好豆腐: 163 Keefer Street 604-682-8867

Desert The Falafel Oasis: 905 Commercial Dr 604-251-4171 印度中東, 還不錯吃哦!

Afghan Horsemen Restaurant:445 West Broadway 604-873-5923 Afghan. Not pure vegetarian. 阿富汗料理

Anona Fine Foods: 8610 Main Street,604-255-2932 西海岸料理

All India Sweets: 6507 Main, 604 327-0891 Daily Vegetarian Buffet $6.95 Vegetarian entrees. Authentic Indian restaurant cuisine. http://www.allindiasweetsrestaurant.com/homepage/

Delhi Darbar Restaurant: 2120 Main, 604 877-7733

Joe Veg: Harbour Centre mall, Vancouver 604-689-9798

Land of Green Ginger Ltd: 2967 West Broadway (604) 737-1588

Serenity Natural Foods: 3347 West 4th Avenue 604.739.9777. http://www.serenitynaturalfoods.com/index.html 有機, 用心的店

Burnaby 本拿比 (也是在大溫地區):

Paradise Vegetarian Noodle House: 8681-10th Ave 604-527-8138. 越南素食料理(全素)

Govinda’s Garden Vegetarian:5462 SE Marine Dr.604-433-7100

SFU Vegetarian Lunch 西門菲沙大學: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:00-2:30, suggested donation $5.00. Forum Chambers (全素)

Himalayan Peak at SFU: 8901 University High Street, Cornerstone Mews Tel:604-205-9069 Fax:604-205-9132

Richmond 列置文(也是在大溫地區):

Bo Lin Vegetarian Foods 寶蓮素食:#1385 Parker Place Mall (Food Court) Tel: 604-273-8110 (全素)

Rainbow Vegetarian Restaurant 妙香齋 2-8095 Park Rd 604-273-7311 (全素)

Simply Vegetarian Restaurant 雅室友: 8291 Ackroyd Road 604-278-0852 台式日式素食料理(全素)

Veggie Bunch Buffet Restaurant 菜根香 Richmond Public Market building.1670-8260 Westminster Highway 604-233-0808 (全素)

Happy Veggie World 歡喜素食: Food Court, President’s Plaza Cambie and #3 Rd. 604-783-4878(全素)

B&T Vegetarian Food 佛有緣: 2098-8700 McKim Way, 金鐘廊Admiralty Centre Food Court.604-231-8208 (全素)

Vegetarian Food Store – Cafe素之膳: 3048 Main Street, Vancouver Tel: 604-879-2928; #170-4751 Garden City Rd, Richmond. 604-207-0783 http://www.veggiefavour.com (全素)

Vegetarian Food Store / Grocery 素食食品店

Vegan Choice Foods: Non-dairy cheesecakes. 604-626-2226 or 604-946-8204 http://www.chicake.com

Famous Foods:1595 Kingsway (at Knight & Victoria) 604-872-3019.Huge selection of vegetarian ingredients and products that are difficult to find elsewhere; Organic Produce, Deli.

Evergreen Vegetarian Foods Services 萬壽素食公司: 4166 Main Street 604-879-3380 Closed Sunday.Vegetarian Chinese. Vegan options.Menu: Has a wide selection of vegetarian dishes. Mixed Vegetables, Tofu Cake, rice & noodle dishes and much more. Take-Out Only!

Happy Veggie World 歡喜素食食品公司: #378-13988 Cambie St. (No6. + Cambie) Richmond 604-278-5519

Lita Vegetarian Food Enterprise Ltd. 聖宜素食食品 #17-7743 128th St., Surrey Tel: 604-590-6176

Capers Community Market: 2285 W Fourth Ave 739-6676;1675 Robson St 604-687-5288; 2496 Marine Dr 604-925-3316

Choices Market - 6 locations:2627 West 16th Ave, Vancouver; 3493 Cambie Street, Vancouver; 1888 West 57th Ave, 1202 Richards Street, Vancouver; 6855 Station Hill Drive, Burnaby; 3248 King George Hwy, White Rock

Commercial Drive (Vancouver): There are many excellent community grocery stores along Commercial Drive from 7th Ave heading north up to Venables.

Main Street (Vancouver): Main Street also features many great community grocery stores between 10th Ave and 21st Ave.

Planet Organic Market:10-2755 Lougheed Hwy, Port Coquitlam

Veggie Favour 欣益素食: 3048 Main St. 604-879-2928 Vegetarian Chinese foods

West Best Vegetarian Market 紫竹林素食專門店: 4934 Victoria Drive, Vancouver 604-327-2768 Vegetarian Chinese foods

Whole Foods Market: 925 Main Street, West Vancouver

Reshine Vegetarian Food Ltd. 瑞香素食食品公司: # 2140 - 4871 Shell Road Richmond , B.C. Canada V6X 3Z6 (604) 278-7655 http://www.reshine.ca/TChinese/02Products_Home.htm

Vegetarian Food Store – Cafe 素之膳:3048 Main Street, Vancouver Tel: 604-879-2928 #170-4751 Garden City Rd, Richmond (前駱氏合氣道館) Tel: 604-207-0783有小食供應 http://www.veggiefavour.com

Richmond Buddhist Temples 列置文佛寺內:

Buddhist Temple, International Buddhist Society 觀音寺 9160 Steveston Highway, Richmond , 604-274-2822.Vegetarian meals and snacks are offered daily from 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the cafeteria on the Ground Floor of the Gracious Hall.每天大約三點關門 http://www.buddhisttemple.ca/aboutus/mission.htm

Vancouver International Buddhist Progress Society (Fo Guang Shan) 佛光山滴水坊 6680-8181 Cambie Rd., Richmond 大統華樓上, 604-273-0369 http://www.vanibps.org/index.html $5/ Ticket 在佛光山內的Counter購買, 大部份一張Ticket一份食物/飲品

Ling Yen Mountain Temple 靈巖山寺:10060 No.5 Rd, Richmond, 604-271-0009 Lunch meals are offered before 12 noon (by donation)

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vegluver我標明"全素"的意思是指沒有葷食, 包含vegetarian 和 vegan (就是不吃奶蛋蜂蜜等等的). 值得一提的是在溫哥華"非中國餐館"的素食店時, 要注意他們所定義的素食是指西方素哦, 也就是有蔥蒜等等的2006/09/10 13:48:40
SunnyRose謝謝,很詳盡的資訊,真棒!請問妳說的「全素」是VEGAN,還是只是「純素食」餐館沒有葷的意思呢?2006/09/09 9:17:46
SunnyRose溫哥華是排最適居住城市全球第3,紐西蘭的奧克蘭是排第5,雪梨排第9..,2006/09/09 9:17:18
溫哥華號稱全球最適合人居之城市 真想去玩 請問自由行方便嗎?您住那裡多久ㄌ?哪一個季節去最好?物價比台北貴嗎?2006/05/12 13:30:53
不沾腥的貓真可惜,就這樣錯過可以得到300多顆高麗菜的機會 (每提供一筆餐館可獲增加5顆高麗菜)。 什麼是高麗菜?有什麼用處?說起來我也迷糊了,因為它不用錢去買,增加多一點除了讓你覺得查餐館時比較不用擔心高麗菜用盡的困窘外,除此好像很難讓人覺得它存在的價值。 (聽說以前還有人為了高麗菜而當起勤勞的農夫:P2006/05/11 21:40:01
Re:打不開燒錄光碟的資料應如何處理 (作者:莫內印象)
Re:昨天接到了一個好久沒有聯絡的美女朋友的電話 (作者:天秤座)


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