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主題: Monkeys help save baby (自由時報)
作者: 舉起夢想的翅膀×擁抱希望的星空=許下星願
文 章 編 號: 第 164947 篇
發 表 日 期: 2006/02/04 20:24:04
閱 讀 次 數: 744
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Chattering monkeys help save new-born baby in well.

Chattering monkeys helped save the life of a new born baby girl apparently thrown into a 10 meter deep well by her parents in a town in eastern India ,a witnes said.

The monkeys,which had gathered excitedly on the well`s edge in Bishnupur town ,about 200 kilometers west of Kolkata,capital of West Bengal state,drew the attention

of passerby,Samar Sengupta said.

"Attracted by the chattering of the monkeys,some morning walkers went near the ababdoned well and looked down to see the baby lying on heap of garbage. She was crying" Sengupta said.

"The monkeys left after the child was rescused", he said. Superintendent of Bishnupur Hospital Aloke Mondal said the child, just two days old,was doing well.

"A girl child is unwanted to most families in our society. She is believed to have been thrown by parrents into the well which was abandoned a few days ago"Mondal said.



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