元月份是最適合台灣人到紐西蘭旅遊的季節 Mara 也是三年前此時去的 旅遊資訊詳見
CHRISTCHURCH (基督城): 南島首府 參見
DUNEDIN (單薴丁): 紐西蘭歷史最悠久單薴丁大學 參見
(University of Dunedin is the eldest university of the country. It is a lovely university to study at.)
鏡湖: 忘了正確的名稱 參見
QUEENSTOWN (女王城): 此乃 Mara 步履所及最有活力的都市 要記得去: 高空彈跳 走冰川 以及 泛舟
(the most vibrant dynamic city Mara ever visited. You should do at least some of the following:-
Bungee Jump: Mara did his first Bungee Jump there at Queenstown. The experience is very scary; however, it is a very sweet memory after all these years.
Glacier Walk and Rafting: Mara’s Brother, Charles, tried both. He said it is a waste to visit NZ without going to those two. This makes Mara very keen to re-visit NZ later in the future.)