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討論區/素食餐館 文章

主題: Re:excuse me, how can i ~?
作者: 我是靖雯
文 章 編 號: 第 99302 篇
發 表 日 期: 2004/03/05 1:32:17
閱 讀 次 數: 861
此篇文章 回應: 99165 (往昔所造諸惡業,今對佛前求懺悔。)
推文人氣: (0)




>【 在 小提琴獨行俠+鋼琴新好男孩+基礎醫學帥哥 的大作中提到: 】









>>【 在 look at thy eyes 的大作中提到: 】





>>here is my email account: seeyou2004@pchome.com.tw

>>i am extremely expecting your forwarding the map.

>>thanks a zillion.

>>by the way, your english is so great.

>>you must have studied abroad in my thinking.

>>good for you.

>>nice talking to you here.

>>good luck to both of you and your business.



>>>【 在 我吃素所以我很美 的大作中提到: 】

>>>Hi there,


>>>You meant 福上巷300號 or 文華路300號? My family owns that restaurant.


>>>If you can give me your email address I then can forward you a map. ^_^


>>>Yes, we do both noodle soup and rice items that are very good. We welcome your opinions and advice. ^_^


>>>Good luck.



>>>>【 在 look at thy eyes 的大作中提到: 】

>>>>i found some of the membership talking about that there is a new restaurant located near 逢甲university in taichung city, serving good vegetable food which contains several kinds of rice and noodles. they strongly recommended us to go there. but all i have got is the address-西屯區文華街300號.

>>>>in fact, i am not quite familiar with 逢甲university. i would like to give it a try with my family some other day, but could somebody show me how exactly i can get there? i mean if there is someone providing us a brief map or something like that to show us the way to the restaurant. oh, by the way, i still don't get the name of the restaurant.

>>>>i am looking forward to getting more information about it.

>>>>thanks a lot. i really appreciate your paying attention to

>>>>what i said.

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