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討論區/料理與食材 文章

主題: Re:芋頭如何料理呢?
作者: BHV
文 章 編 號: 第 83413 篇
發 表 日 期: 2003/11/11 4:50:00
閱 讀 次 數: 802
此篇文章 回應: 83346 (希)
推文人氣: (0)

I learned a new recipe from Da-Ai TV's "Da-Ai New Vegi Pie" and tried it last night. It was delicious!

(1) Make Black Mushroom Vegi Meat first (or any tasteful source you like)

(2) Thread 芋頭 into small pieces

(3) Add some potato powder and a little bit of water into (2) and mix them well

(4) Put a sheet of aluminum foil on the bottom of a big bowl or container (I used a big bowl from ConnieWare) and add (3) onto it

(5) Cover (4) with (1) as much as you like

(6) Put the bowl on the 2nd layer of a big cooking pot (first layer is the hot water in the pot, the 2nd layer is for the bowl). Just like you cook Bao-Chiz. Cook it about one hour or until 芋頭 is soft and well done.

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