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討論區/心靈素食 文章

主題: ⭐ 我們修行的人───  
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 236675 篇
發 表 日 期: 2024/08/08 12:00:40
閱 讀 次 數: 337
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⭐ 我們修行的人───









      ~ 清海無上師 ~


As spiritual practitioners, we should concentrate on spiritual practice, no matter what kind of situation we are in, painful or joyful. We should be for God, forget about ourselves and worldly temptations in all situations. 




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🍋 我們在哪一種情況中,








      ~ 清海無上師 ~


No matter what situation we are in, we must look on the bright side. Look at the optimistic side. Don't pick on the little things. We should turn the undesirable situation into one that will benefit us.


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清海無上師 1986.08.15 以中文講於福爾摩沙台北


Why did Buddha say that do not seek for worldly fortune or merit when doing anything, and Jesus also tells us not to let your left hand know what the right hand is doing? If we do things for worldly merit, then we have to come back to this world to enjoy it. But while enjoying the physical merit we also create karma instantly. Therefore, the physical merit is not good. If we do any merit, we’d better not think about merit. The best is to give others as if giving ourselves. When we wash our own hands, we would not think that we are so good and are helping washing our own hands; when we eat, we would not think that I am so good and I am helping my head to eat. It is the same when helping others. This way we have neither merit nor karma, and we would not reincarnate in the cycle of life and death.


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       清海無上師 2022.09.29 以英語電話開示


if you die too early and your level’s still low. That’s one thing. Another thing that’s more important, is that you have to live longer because you practice spiritually, you bless this world. Master Power blesses this world through you. And the longer you practice, the higher you rise up, the more blessing you can have for the world and the more you can save your five, six, seven, nine generations. Because, this world is very good for practicing, if you’re lucky to find a good Master to teach you an enlightening method and lift you up to the highest possible level.



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上海市 編輯簡稱為,滬和新天地萬物 5W1H,人事時地 (作者:做個素食英雄吧)
今日新聞提要,純素:您通往天堂之梯 近幾年來,德國吃素 (作者:做個素食英雄吧)


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